I have been thinking about rolling some colour changing stars (once I'm somewhat better at it)... I understand that a 'changing relay' composition is used between the colours, giving the impression of all of the stars changing at once.
I've found two recipes for this:
Changing Relay #1 - Shimizu
Potassium perchlorate.............................35
Potassium nitrate.................................35
Hemp coal (or Paulownia coal).....................24
Soluble glutinous rice starch.....................6
Changing Relay #2 - Shimizu
Potassium perchlorate.............................81
Red gum...........................................13
Soluble glutinous rice starch.....................6
Assuming that I'm using #2, does anyone know if this would burn hot enough to directly ignite the central 6mm core of, say, Veline Red, or would I need an extra prime layer to allow the changing relay comp to ignite it?
Edited by BrightStar, 30 March 2007 - 12:25 AM.