I've been experimenting with Dragon Eggs and wanted to share some of my findings. The formula I've
been using is:
Bismuth Subcarbonate 75
Magnalium 200 mesh 15
Copper Oxide II 10
I knead the mix in a ziploc bag and add a binder of nitrocellulose/acetone to a putty like consistancy. I've started out cutting these stars, but think they come out much better pumped. I'm going to have to purchase or make a microstar plate for these. The acetone evaporates very fast and makes this hard to work with as you have work fast and add more acetone as needed.
I started testing a batch of these without any prime. Its neat watching them go through their smoldering phase before they get hot enough to pop. These guys are really loud. A 3mm pumped star is easily as loud as a commercial firecracker (maybe louder?).
I've tried Universal Meal prime with these and it doesnt seem to work well. I get inconsistant results in that some eggs will smolder without a pop, and some will pop violently. I'm going to try a perchlorate based prime recommended in the Best of AFN V crackling microstars article. Hopefully this will resolve the priming issues.
Another thing I noticed was that larger pieces would blow up much more violently and not section off into smaller eggs as I was expecting. Out of my own curiousity I pumped out a 3/8" egg to see if it would section off into smaller pops. Nope, this monster egg blew up with one loud KABOOM. 
More to come on this as I dial in on the prime. Does anyone have any suggestions for a good prime for Dragon Eggs? I'm also going to try adding a small percentage of Ti to get a burst of silver sparks to accompany the pops. Very fun stuff here, but I've only managed to get them going on the ground, not in the air yet.
Picture of 3mm egg vs 3/8"
Best of AFN III lists a Dragon Egg prime of :
Potassium Nitrate 57.2%
Sulfur 11.4
Charcoal (air float) 11.4
Silicon 11.4
Aluminum, dark pyro 5.7
Dextrin 2.9
The trick is to wax coat the eggs prior to priming. Otherwise KNO3 will ruin the crackle effect. I spoke with David Armstrong, who wrote the Passfire article on dragon eggs, who told me he just melts ordinary paraffin wax, puts the stars in, and strains them out immediately onto paper. Separate as they cool on a piece of paper.
To prime, put the dried, coated stars in a bowl, spray with 50/50 alcohol/water and dredge them with the prime powder until coated.
His other trick is the cutter he made from a pair of 'noodle cutters' as he called them. I bought some as "rolling mincer' from Oxo inc. He mounted 2 sets of blades so they make 2 mm strips of comp, then cuts crosswise to that to make 2 mm square eggs, which he claims allows him to make 1000 stars in 20 minutes work

Another project I plan to get to Real Soon Now I just got my Bismuth Trioxide in, which is what I want to try for eggs first. My Lead Tetraoxide was returned to Firefox by the shipper

Thats another story.
If you have a Passfire subscription look in the archives there. Good luck !