hi well i am an amatur enthusiast, i have a query though, i can really only use shop bought chlorate, i tested said chlorate with aluminium, to discover the wonderfull world of sound and light enhanced by several thousand metres per second. I wish seriousley to byuild a high energy rocket that isn't briscant, i tried grinding in charcole but the mix burns so slow as to be of no use. I realise sensitisers can make it burn faster, such as phosphorus and sulpher but what percentage am i looking at for a resonable burn for a rocket tube as i wish to push my saturn 5 replica too dizzyheights rather than blow it to bits or get a damp squib. The other curious question zirconyl oxide di perchlorate, this must produce some peritty decnet thrust as ziconium boils at about 5,000 c but is there any legal hassles anyone knows of ?
theorectecally this should work if you follow my thinking
ClONa +H2O + NAF -----warm to boiling then simmer-----NAFO3
sodium flourate should be the end product, that will give you a superior propellent if mixed in with a hydrocarbon or alluminium as the Hydrogen flourine reaction is very energetic. Without wishing to break a rule this would have to be prepared from home as nowhere i have seen sells it ! I have a degree, i spend all day working out this stuff for fun . Ideally because of the florine being also a halogen and stronger than chlorine it should have a greater affinity for the oxygen than chlorine...i dont think the chlorine will displace flourine, but as all theories go i could be wrong. Saying that they are in the same period and florine is going down the period so must be more reactive. It will also give a bigger bang in salutes, knallkorpers etc. But it may also be more friction sensative...it may give up to 25% extra energy .
Good Catch Stuart your right, and I too Doubt Kaboomie is Serious about attempting any Dizzying height launch.
Kaboomie, sounds more like your preparing some very involved and dangerous "Salutes" or some Not So Funny attempts at Making a mockery of NASA's VERY Slight Accident Rate. Don't forget to build a 1/4 Scale Shuttle For one of your hypersonic motors to make the display complete. I can't even say start small because there is a non linear curve to thrust and Internal motor pressures as you go up past 1 lb motors to 3 pound, 10 pound etc. I am Fully Accredited for this post, I'd Like to know why you propose veering from "Normal" propellents to Dangerous and expensive spinoffs of dubious functionality?
Please be careful with the compounds you present and or propose to the younger, newer members. I sincerely would not want to see theirs or your calculator digits both on your hand and on your calculator in error any more than they already are. OH, what did you say your degree was in?
Stay Green