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Buying chemicals.

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#91 ProfHawking


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Posted 20 February 2005 - 04:08 AM

Andrew - please do tell, i for one would be interested to know what the law is interested in. Im sure none of us on this board are terrorists, but the confusion I have with the current law is annoying.

As far as i'm aware the law used to allow small mixing of chemicals, but now doesnt at all. However the police probably wont be bothered with you unless you cause trouble or mix large quantities. I suggest a read of the latest "fireworks" magazine article on this subject.
Someone here sureley has a better/clearer explanation?

If you are not detered by this, then you are best to mess with very small qantities of simple compositions to begin with. Look for potassium nitrate, sulphur and charcoal, to start. These chemicals will allow a huge variety of effects and compositions.
Although not as dangerous as chlorate or high exposives, anything you mix should be treated by upmost respect. Read and learn before you get anywhere near buying.
Tools required for beginning to fiddle with small quantities are just a mortar/pestle. Although proper mixing can only be done with a ball mill, you probably won't need this to start with. invest in some proper welders leather gloves, and dont do anything without them on.

BigG - a word on safety perhaps? im sure ive left something out?

#92 Nova



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Posted 20 February 2005 - 08:34 AM

I've had experience with this sort of thing, I'll start a new thread one day to tell all about having to entertain SO13 one morning.

This doesn't have anything do with someone who has been arrested this week? I've heard a lot about this german source getting busted for selling pentaerithritol.

Where does one actually buy a mortar/pestle cheaply? The only sources I have for those are laboratory suppliers, I've never seen them in 'regular' shops.

#93 lord_dranack


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Posted 20 February 2005 - 11:53 AM

Where does one actually buy a mortar/pestle cheaply? The only sources I have for those are laboratory suppliers, I've never seen them in 'regular' shops.

They are used in the kitchen, so you can find them in a cookery shop.
Sometimes they sell the same ones as lab suppliers do.

#94 ProfHawking


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Posted 20 February 2005 - 12:22 PM

Ikea do a nice cheap one, about 120mm accross i think and about ?4

#95 cunning_plan



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Posted 20 February 2005 - 05:54 PM

is that with p&p?pretty good though.does anyone else use www.kno3.com ? or is it crap? the price on perc is horific.is there a cheap uk sellor of potassium perchlorate?

#96 Richard H

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Posted 20 February 2005 - 06:30 PM

?5.50 for 500g of KNO3 is a ripoff. I would advise against using KNO3.com because they are a ripoff too, clearly out to make a fast buck and not much else.

#97 cunning_plan



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Posted 20 February 2005 - 07:05 PM

it appears many people are very wary of letting out who they buy there chemicals from yet still tell others they are getting ripped off.finding chemicals is easy enough finding them cheap seems to take a life time. are fertiliser grade chemicals ok for use in pyro? though most chems go under old/different names are they the same eg is nitrate of potash the same as kno3? does perc have another name?

apologies for re posting after being told to search, after 15 mins looking i found nothing but vauge refernces.


#98 Richard H

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Posted 20 February 2005 - 07:42 PM

The information is all here. Try a search for Garden Direct. Generally technical grade chemicals are fine for pyro. You must also remember that I am reluctant to divulge my sources for obvious reasons. I am not here to simply tell you where you can find x, y, and z. You have to go and do the research and find this out for yourself.

#99 cunning_plan



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Posted 20 February 2005 - 07:49 PM

that i do respect, if all new pyros use good sources the sources becoe disrepuable and get hassled and possibly closed down but alos, why the damn hell should you all. ive been on garden direct but there prices are little better than kno3's and a lot of the time the stuff on kno3 is eithr pre ball milled or of a higher grade.i respect you do not want to divulge source infomation. perhaps you could tell me other uses of perc as that would make my research a damn bit easier.

#100 Richard H

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Posted 20 February 2005 - 07:59 PM

Looking at KNO3.com, Garden Direct is far cheaper (2Kg's for roughly same price they charge for 500g). If you have a ball mill then it is a mere triviality to reduce your material to a fine powder.

Can't really think of other 'commercial' uses for KCLO4. It's an oxidiser, and a powerful one at that. Mainly used in fireworks/pyrotechnics/SFX/millitary applications. I very much doubt you will find it down at B&Q or your local co-op! Try lab suppliers, and even so lab suppliers rarely sell to individuals.

I hate to say it, but it helps to have friends in the industry, and obviously not everyone does.

#101 Nova



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Posted 21 February 2005 - 02:06 PM

As said, lab suppliers will probably not sell not individuals, and most of them don't even have larger amounts of perchlorate. Chlorate has many uses in laboratory experiments, perchlorate doesn't. And even if they do sell it, be prepared for prices not a single pyro will be willing to pay.

I'm not sure about the UK, but in some countries low concentrated Perchloric Acid is available.

#102 cunning_plan



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Posted 21 February 2005 - 04:55 PM

where do people suggest buying scales from?what accuracy is needed in general and what type is best.


#103 Pretty green flames

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Posted 21 February 2005 - 04:58 PM

Check E-bay, they got some scales, I got my scale from E-bay, it cost me 40$ Incl shipping.

It an old jeweler's scale and it 0.05grams accurate and has a capacity of 200grams

#104 karlfoxman


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Posted 21 February 2005 - 05:31 PM

maplin sell scales, order code VV52 and they are 24.99. 0.1g resolution and up to 200g. they are really good. i can get em cheaper because i work there!

#105 broadsword


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Posted 21 February 2005 - 07:11 PM

I got mine off ebay aswell!
They were around ?10 for electronic 100g max - 0.1g accurate scales.
Broadsword Calling DannyBoy....

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