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Cylindrical Shells

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#1546 portfire


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Posted 19 June 2010 - 11:06 AM

No, it seemed pretty strong.

Haha, thought so. It's got two meanings :rolleyes: Nice to know my BP is upto the job after 1hr in the mill
"I reject your reality and substitute my own" Adam Savage

#1547 Mumbles


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Posted 21 June 2010 - 03:12 PM

It's probably just the burst, but it kind of looks like you pulverized some stars.

#1548 Vic


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Posted 21 June 2010 - 08:05 PM

It's probably just the burst, but it kind of looks like you pulverized some stars.

It does look like there was a certain amount of break up of the stars, but imho it's just the corners of the pumped stars breaking off from the force of the initial break.
How much dextrin did you use Dean?
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#1549 portfire


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Posted 22 June 2010 - 01:37 PM

It is possible that a few stars did break up, though remember there were a few 10, 15mm stars to hold the 19mm ones in place. I used 5% dextrin, they were rock hard.

It took two attemps to put the hemi's together, the first try I put too many 19mm's in and tried for around 10 mins to get the shell together, some did chip but I'm talking some REAL force here. Thats way I ended up using less 19mm and holding them in place with the smaller stars.

Round shell=Round stars next time!!
"I reject your reality and substitute my own" Adam Savage

#1550 Mumbles


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Posted 22 June 2010 - 05:24 PM

That makes a lot of sense now. I was thinking that all the stars were the same size.

#1551 karlfoxman


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Posted 04 July 2010 - 06:19 PM

Following my post in the 'nice rockets' thread I have some pictures of the shell casing to hold the Beraq. The shell will be a simple single ring half and half Yellow/Aqua beraq. I could put two rings inside with no problem but this seems pointless for a first try. As you can see the pictures show how the paper is pleated down in stages using two end disks. The line inside is to show the limit of filling space before the end needs closing off.

Attached Thumbnails

  • DSC_0078.jpg
  • DSC_0079.jpg
  • DSC_0082.jpg

#1552 Vic


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Posted 04 July 2010 - 09:08 PM

Following my post in the 'nice rockets' thread I have some pictures of the shell casing to hold the Beraq. The shell will be a simple single ring half and half Yellow/Aqua beraq. I could put two rings inside with no problem but this seems pointless for a first try. As you can see the pictures show how the paper is pleated down in stages using two end disks. The line inside is to show the limit of filling space before the end needs closing off.

I like the way you pleat over the end's, nice to see how it should be done.
Freud. Artists, in this view, are people who may avoid neurosis and perversion by sublimating their impulses in their work.

#1553 karlfoxman


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Posted 05 July 2010 - 08:06 AM

I like the way you pleat over the end's, nice to see how it should be done.

Thanks. The way I do it is the same for large 6 & 7 inch but the disks are fiber
board. I will roll the beraq later :-)

#1554 ExplosiveCoek



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Posted 05 July 2010 - 11:45 AM

Can you take some pictures of the beraq making process? I'm quite curious about your improvements since the last tutorial you made.

I also saw some pictures here that are different from your tutorial. They punch the whole in after everything has been spiked etc. Whick looks much easier to me.

Also, what do you use to time your inserts? And how do you change the delay time?

Thanks :)!

#1555 karlfoxman


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Posted 05 July 2010 - 04:20 PM

Can you take some pictures of the beraq making process? I'm quite curious about your improvements since the last tutorial you made.

I also saw some pictures here that are different from your tutorial. They punch the whole in after everything has been spiked etc. Whick looks much easier to me.

Also, what do you use to time your inserts? And how do you change the delay time?

Thanks :)!

Hi, I cant give too much info away because I was shown how to make them from people I know at one of the Maltese clubs. I will make a few photos though. Back then I was not very good at making them, but now I make them as they do. I now punch the hole after the beraq is filled closed rolled and spiked, It is the only way to make them. But I do get nervous when putting the tiny hole in live beraq, hence the long stick. Hehe.

The timing is from the turns of card and the % of gum arabic in the porvli. Also thickness of card and punch hole diameter make changes to the timing. The small beraq in this shell will not have end disks or be spiked as there is no need.

Hope this helps.

#1556 dr thrust

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Posted 05 July 2010 - 06:11 PM

beautifully made!, pity you have to send them up in the sky

#1557 karlfoxman


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Posted 05 July 2010 - 06:11 PM

Here are some pictures
0084 : Strip of card enough for 2 turns around 3/8" former 1" wide also paper for 2 turns and overhang.
0085 : Pasted card rolled around former.
0086 : Rolling card in paper leaving enough both ends.
0087 : Rolled.
0088 : End sealed.
0090/0093 : Showing beraq inside shell.

Obviously these are not filled, when they are the end will be closed and then rolled in two more turns paper and sealed well at both ends. When fully dry the beraq are dipped in 50:50 pva/water and dried once more. Then the hole of 1.4mm brass pin is made, the delay is then inserted using a small knife. The timing depends on paste and how hard I push the delay in. Then the beraq are primed with fine grain BP.

If enough intrest I can bring some unfilled beraq and parts to Stanford Hall maybe give 'quick' demo on making them as I will be needed live side rigging.

Also added picture of a 3/4" ID second noise Beraq. It was used to practice filling delays.

Attached Thumbnails

  • DSC_0084.jpg
  • DSC_0085.jpg
  • DSC_0086.jpg
  • DSC_0087.jpg
  • DSC_0088.jpg
  • DSC_0090.jpg
  • DSC_0093.jpg
  • DSC_0094.jpg

Edited by karlfoxman, 05 July 2010 - 06:37 PM.

#1558 portfire


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Posted 05 July 2010 - 07:01 PM

Dont give too much away :P Can't wait to see the finished shell. Good to see you back mate
"I reject your reality and substitute my own" Adam Savage

#1559 karlfoxman


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Posted 05 July 2010 - 07:04 PM

Lol I wont give too much away, I think I told quite enough already. Im waiting for people asking on the flash formulas :P they are even better now, cant wait to see the shell finished either. I will have to get a decent vid of it.

#1560 digger


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Posted 05 July 2010 - 07:17 PM

ahh go on then
Phew that was close.

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