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Cylindrical Shells

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#211 Creepin_pyro


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Posted 02 December 2004 - 02:49 PM

I'm going to try re-formulating this with Perchlorate and Sulphur, unless anyone can think of any safety reasons for not doing this :rolleyes:

I'll post the results soon.

#212 alany


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Posted 04 December 2004 - 07:01 AM

I haven't had any issues with my Perc/S/Zinc composition:


This wasn't designed to replace chlorate spreaders, but rather a pale green star with a charcoal tail. It actually works quite well as a white smoke star in the daytime.

#213 burningbush



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Posted 04 December 2004 - 01:48 PM

Hi guys, Has anyone used a KP bursting charge in their 3 inches shell before, I am having blind stars most of the time. Yesterday I shot 28 shell mostly had a blind stars. I was thinking of using  BP instead.
Most of my stars had been tested with my star tested tube and having a good results but when I put it in my shell, they all turn blind.
I plan to use the rice hull to BP ratio is 6:1. Could anyone give me some idea or comments. Thanks

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I've read that adding silicon to primes/ or sometimes burst creates liquid fire droplets that stick to what they hit and stay hot enough to light and pass fire to prime coat for upto 2 seconds, kp gets hot enough"to pass fire" for only a 30th of a second.Thats some xtra insurance that might be worth try'ing. It is sold as crystals and need to be ground up fine ,and last time I checked was a little pricey $ too . firefox in usa has it.

Hope that helps

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#214 moe


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Posted 09 December 2004 - 04:18 PM


today i read about a possibility to avoid potassium dichroamte in zinc-spreader. Perhaps it can be changed by MnO2.
I will try this and tell you...


#215 rooster



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Posted 12 December 2004 - 01:37 PM

Hey guys, just wondering something about mortar tubes. It is slightly off-topic, but anyways.

I recently acquired some HDPE pipe from a construction site. It is 63mm ID and wall thickness of 5,8mm. Some pics:

One Pipe


Now to my problem: The thing, as you can see, is that they came rolled up. Since this can not be used as mortars, I need a way to straighten them out. Anyone know a lot about HDPE properties? Should I put them in the 100C degree sauna, or maybe in a hot-water bath? Or will they straighten themselves out with time?
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#216 paul


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Posted 12 December 2004 - 02:10 PM

You could heat them up and stick a tube with let?s say 62mm oder 60mm in it.

But it is HDPE so I don?t know if this could work :)

#217 Yugen-biki


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Posted 12 December 2004 - 02:56 PM

I have tried to straighten 3" tubes useing very hot water and jumping on then leaned to a concreat base.
This did not work very well, but I guess smaller tubes are easyer.
They will not straighten out by themselves.

This is why I allways look for allready straight tubes. To much work...

#218 skipjack



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Posted 14 December 2004 - 09:46 AM

i shot my 2nd 3"shell last weekend and was pretty satisfied with the results.
seems like i glued the hemis together much better this time. nice symmetrical break.
like i promised, Rob - here's the VIDEO ;)

the stars are Shimizu's "Chrysanthemum 6" and the burst was SP on ricecrispies + 8g flash.

i was too close with my camera, so the flower didnt fully fit into the frame. guess i will let someone else do the videotaping next time and shoot the shell from a distance.


#219 Pretty green flames

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Posted 14 December 2004 - 11:32 AM

Nice strong break......All i can say is keep up the good work

#220 al93535



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Posted 05 January 2005 - 02:01 AM

Hello everyone, what a great site! Lots of very useful information. Well I fired my three new years shells. I think they were good, tell me what you think. Here they are if you want to watch them. The first is a 2 inch canister shell with 10 1.5 grams flash inserts. The second a 4 inch spherical shell with tigertail stars, and the third is a 4 inch with tigertail to a white star. Both of the 4 inchers were broke with 1 gram flash and BP coated rice crispies. My wife taped for me, we were about 120-150 feet away. Should have zoomed out, or got farther back.
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#221 Kembang Api

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Posted 05 January 2005 - 04:55 PM

very nice. I like the silver tail and the break. what is the composition of the silver tail? thanks

#222 PyroKid



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Posted 05 January 2005 - 06:35 PM

Hey mate

Top quality shells!

I was impressed by each and every one of those shells.

How you managed to prevent the reports from sounding premeturely from the break charge was amazing.

I loved the dual effect shell (the 2nd one) producing what appeared to be a peony burst with tigre tails / comets

these have got to be the cream of the crop, but all were top quality produce.
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#223 al93535



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Posted 05 January 2005 - 06:35 PM

It had a core of KNO3 56, S 22, and BP 19, with 3 of fine pyro aluminum. Of course 1% boric acid was also added along with about 4% of dextrin. With a small amount of tiger tail rolled over it. It was a pleasing effect. Unless you were talking about the comet tail? That was just BP 60 and pine charcoal 40 with binder.
Thanks PyroKid, the reports were side fused and primed, so the break just lit them and threw them out.
Now I just need to get some color, greens and reds next. I would also like to try some 6" shells.

Edited by al93535, 05 January 2005 - 06:46 PM.

The more I learn, the more I know I don't know.

#224 Sprengman



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Posted 05 January 2005 - 10:57 PM

Hmm, I can?t downlod the videos....

I?ll try it tomorrow again.


After reading this thread I think that all people think the stronger the break the better the shell. Thats wrong.

In my opinion it?s important to find the right balance between the shell size and the size of the break. Yes, it isn?t difficult to break a 3" to a flower of a 6" but than there are not enough stars to obtain the effekt of an ball shell and it looks bad. I hope you understand me ;)

For exsample (my opinion):

The three 3" shells of sasman are the maxium size that gives a got look.

The optimum is the shell of Moe (Zinc spreader)


That was that

Can everyone give me a little webspace to upload a Video from a 6" ball shell I shoot new year?
It?s a 6" shell of shell wich contains 8 2" Ball shells ;)

#225 Guest_Daniel Scott_*

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Posted 06 January 2005 - 01:20 AM


Just remember to click the adds every so often.

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