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Cylindrical Shells

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#226 paul


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Posted 06 January 2005 - 09:18 AM

Good morning everyone.

As some users may have had trouble downloading and viewing al93535?s videos, I uploaded them onto my space.

Here they are. And yes, these are damn pretty shells. Woha!




I like the powerful break and that nice rising effect. Good work.

#227 alany


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Posted 06 January 2005 - 10:51 AM

Thanks, they got took down before I saw #3. Oddly enough I got a "999" error rather than a 404, it appears that geocities has an unusual interpretation of the HTTP 1.1 RFC.

#228 Yugen-biki


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Posted 06 January 2005 - 02:39 PM

Nice shells al93535 !

This is my new year shells

The first shell is a ring shell with twinkle stars in the poles and red peony round the equator. 3"

The second is a 4" twinkel shell with flash core in the end of the stars.

The third is a 4" twinkel with blue peony in the end of the stars, but it just shows like small white flashes.

The 4-6:th shells are 2" salutes. 2 titan and one plain flash. One of them titan salutes did not get cought on film.

The last is a 4" willow. My dad coments it in the backgroud sound. Translated he says something like "??? it was beautiful! look, look"

About 1,5Mb (Right klick and "save target as" )

Here is a pic of them all (50Kb):

Posted Image

Edited by Yugen-biki, 09 January 2005 - 05:16 PM.

#229 Sprengman



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Posted 06 January 2005 - 07:19 PM

al93535 and Yugen-biki, nice shells. They have the perfect size. Nice round Flowers.



is a video from the 6" shell of shell I shot this newyear .

Some Facts:

Its a 150mm shell wich contains 8 2" b0mbs. Each shell has a 16mm comet (Chrysanthemum8) on it to obtain a tail and to delay the explosion. They are filled with 8-9mm round stars made of Chrysanthemum 8. The bursting charge is Blackpowder on Corn Cob with additional 2g Flash (70/30). These small shells are loaded in the 2 6" paper hemispheres and fixed with some hot melt glue. (Very tight ;) ). The space in the spheres is filled up with Blackpowder on Corn Cob. The main work was pasting 15 layers of kraft paper on it. Its lifted with 170g coarse grained blackpowder out of an one metre long Motar.

If there any questions, ask ;)

PS: If its desired I can upload a lager video from it (786x.....)

#230 Pretty green flames

Pretty green flames

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Posted 06 January 2005 - 07:27 PM


I like i like
Must've felt good when it went off

#231 Yugen-biki


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Posted 09 January 2005 - 05:20 PM

Very good shell Sprengman!

Did you use BP in the large shell?
How much did the large shell wheigh? How many grams?

I don't thing your shell was bad, but I would have used a stronger burst in the large shell.

A nice thing would be to use different colored stars in the small shells...

#232 Pretty green flames

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Posted 09 January 2005 - 05:46 PM


Edited by Pretty green flames, 13 August 2010 - 08:49 AM.

#233 paul


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Posted 09 January 2005 - 06:24 PM

Woha! Yugen-biki, your shells simply look GREAT :)

I?m impressed of your work and sprengman: Your shell looks wonderfull too :)

#234 Yugen-biki


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Posted 09 January 2005 - 08:48 PM

Thanks paul!

I usually don't post at lot on this forum. I like to spend time makeing shells :lol:

My results would not be possible without help from my master Shimizu!

The shells were filled with H3. Smaller shells need a stronger burst to look good.

They are not perfect yet, but I'll spend time perfecting them during this year. The results will probably be presented here. B)

#235 Jerronimo


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Posted 09 January 2005 - 08:52 PM

Yes those are some very nice shells, makes me want to run to the workshop :D

Keep up the good work!
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#236 Sprengman



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Posted 10 January 2005 - 07:13 PM

Thanks for the praise.


Yes, I use Blackpowder on Corn Cob in this shell. It wouldn?t be a great problem to make the burst stronger, but the effect I wanted to obtain was a Palm. To get a stronger break I only have to increase the numbers of Layers of kraft paper from 15 up to 20 (like the "normal" 6") and add 10g of flash (70/30). This make a very good round flower with the ideal Size for a 6" in my Chrysanthemum or Peony shells.

The "ball" ;) had a mass of about 1 kilogram.


Today I started building a form to press the hemispheres for a 8" shell. ;)

I think this will contain about 20 2" shells because the Volume of a ball is cubed (I hope thats correct verbalised ;) )

Edited by Sprengman, 10 January 2005 - 07:14 PM.

#237 PyroKid



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Posted 10 January 2005 - 11:59 PM

Yes, that is correct.

Volume is always measured in something cubed (m3) (centimetres cubed (cm3) etc), while area is always measured in something squared (metres squared (m2) centimetres squared (cm2) etc.)
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#238 Sprengman



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Posted 13 January 2005 - 05:20 PM

After this New Year Festival i?m going to increase the caliber of my biggest shells up to 8".

Now is the question how to burst such shells.

One (cheap) way is to use Blackpowder on Corn Cob powered with Flash. But I?m not sure wich amount of flash is necessary. I think that the amount of flash is proportional to the volume of the shell.

This means that a 8" shell should be boostet with about 22g flash if a 6" shell with 10g works fine. Is this correct?


Another way is to use a perchlorate based bursting charge.

For asymmetrical shells like "Shell of shell" its wise to use the upper method. Also for Peonys and Chrysanthemums with only one layer Stars.

But if the shell have more petals and pistils I think that it is better tu use a perchlorate composition because they are more evenly. With a flash boostet burst charge you can have the problem that the Flash is uneven distributed in the shell wich makes a bad Flower.

Now then, what do you think about this?

#239 italteen3



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Posted 13 January 2005 - 10:13 PM

After this New Year Festival i?m going to increase the caliber of my biggest shells up to 8".

Now is the question how to burst such shells.

One (cheap) way is to use Blackpowder on Corn Cob powered with Flash. But I?m not sure wich amount of flash is necessary. I think that the amount of flash is proportional to the volume of the shell.

This means that a 8" shell should be boostet with about 22g flash if a 6" shell with 10g works fine. Is this correct?


Another way is to use a perchlorate based bursting charge.
For asymmetrical shells like "Shell of shell" its wise to use the upper method. Also for Peonys and Chrysanthemums with only one layer Stars.

But if the shell have more petals and pistils I think that it is better tu use a perchlorate composition because they are more evenly. With a flash boostet burst charge you can have the problem that the Flash is uneven distributed in the shell wich makes a bad Flower.
Now then, what do you think about this?

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Actually as shell size increases the amount of flash remains the same as in your 6" or 4" because though the shell size increases you are also increasing the amount of BP on corn cob, rice hulls, rice krispies, etc.

You also have to consider that the amount of layers on the shell increases as well to give a more uniform burst. A small fact about flash. As you double the amount of flash its power is multiplied by 8. That means the 22 grams would probably be overkill.

By the way very nice shells everyone. Loved all of them!

#240 Jerronimo


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Posted 14 January 2005 - 11:22 AM

A booster is not needed for a 8'' single petal shell, bp on corncob alone will give a sufficient burst, and you'll not get that distracting flash.
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