The 4" shell has silver streamer to chrysanthemum 6 to silver streamer.
The rest of the shells are:
1x Tiger Tail
2x Tiger Tail to D1 Glitter
3x Fish Glitter
4x Silver streamer to chrysanthemum 6
4x Blonde streamer
1x Silver streamer to crackle (no the dragons eggs are not comercial)
1x Silver streamer to blonde streamer
1x Half and Half shell w/Tiger tail to D1 glitter and silver streamer to chrysanthemum 6.
So now all I have to do is attach some lift pouches and leaders. Yay! I also have 7 more 3" shell fused and ready to load but I can't be stuffed at this present time!
Edited by Daniel Scott, 29 January 2005 - 10:02 AM.