Now I am back in the military, so I can't get any pictures for ya, sorry.
I made 2 3" shells this weekend. One was a RAP shell. I dipped it in methylkene chloride, but just in case, I made some strips and pasted on one layer, so that Im sure the shell won't break on the seam.
The other 3" I made was a cynindrical one. I started out with a 15-20cm wide sheet of thin cardboard, and wrapped it around a case former. Put on some tape and folded in the bottom. Then I put in a canulle and filled it with granulated BP(~2FG). Then I added my TT stars around the canulle. The top was folded in around the fuse, so that both ends were now closed.
Then I soaked medium weight kraft paper in paste. The paper was wrapped 3 times around the shell. After this, the air bubbles beneath the surface of the pasted paper were pushed out but hand force, so the the pasted kraft was tight onto the shell. Then the shell was left to dry in the sun.
The next day, 3 ply string was used to spike the shell. I spiked it very tight, so that the string made dents into the dried pasted paper shell surface. I used 12 verticals, and probably around 20 or so horizontals, since the shell was so long. Then the whole shell was coated in paste, so that the string would soak up. This is because it makes the string more brittle, improving the break. Unpasted cotton string may reduce the quality of the break because its more elastic than the pasted type.
Then two more wraps of pasted kraft paper was added on the outside of the spiking string. Here it is especially important to push out the air bubbles from the beneath the surface, so that the shell doesn't look smooth. The shell should look like a checkerboard when done, the squares from the spiking string clearly visible through the pasted paper. Then the shell was dried in the sun, and is ready to be fired.
Some of the techniques presented here, I learned in Malta last summer. I will show you pictures next weekend, also of the shell breaking.
Sorry for the long rant, hope at least some of you find it useful
My candle burns at both ends; It will not last the night; But, ah, my foes, and, oh, my friends - it gives a lovely light.