Thanks for all the feedback folks.
Rocket, re the comet 're-ignition', frankly I have no idea. It was pressed into a cardboard canister before gluing it to the shell, so maybe a portion of it only ignited after the burst...
Karl, Maxman, construction pics below - I'm sure you can figure them out... When I first rolled the stars they were difficult to ignite so I used quite a generous prime. On 150g of the Veline red stars I rolled another 50g of 50/50 Veline red and willow meal screened together. The outer prime was 50g of 50/50 willow meal and green mix with +5% dextrin. I have had good success with this method with a variety of comps - it takes a little extra effort but seems to work.
Pyromaster. the Veline red contains 6% magnalium (I used 200-mesh) and the tail that you saw was simply the 50/50 step prime burning...
I'm now thinking of how I could make this shell in 9 or 10 different colours if only I had the facilites... a salvo of these would make an awesome finale to any show... Pics below:

As a quick disclaimer, I should add that this shell was constructed and tested in the open air in remote farmland far from harm's way...
Please feel free to ask any questions

// A few months after posting, I feel I must emphasise once again the safety aspect. The shell was constructed and tested in a remote agricultural location over a mile distant from other people. Please don't try this unless you have the space to work safely.
Edited by BrightStar, 01 August 2007 - 03:34 PM.