Cylindrical Shells
Posted 29 July 2007 - 12:55 PM
Very good tutorial.
I hope to start making my own soon, Just want to perfect my BP first.
"Are those my balls on your face?"
Posted 29 July 2007 - 04:45 PM
Posted 29 July 2007 - 05:35 PM
The hobby needs more people like you who take this hobby so
Posted 29 July 2007 - 06:45 PM
Posted 31 July 2007 - 07:57 PM
Edited by ultrabuf, 31 July 2007 - 07:58 PM.
Posted 01 August 2007 - 03:07 PM
You cant really see the stars, but they looked really nice.
Posted 12 August 2007 - 08:11 AM
Here are a couple shells I fired yesterday.

Posted 20 August 2007 - 09:27 AM
Posted 20 August 2007 - 01:24 PM
Edited by pudi.dk, 20 August 2007 - 01:24 PM.
Posted 20 August 2007 - 01:44 PM

To be of any use as a booster, the whistle chems should pass 100 mesh and if using sodium benzoate, dry before use. Granulate the mix with wax etc as described elsewhere to keep it consistent with time.
With 3" plastic ball shells with light pasting: 3:1 BP on corn cob = phut (OK for falling leaves), + 20% whistle booster = pop (a good break for glitters etc), + 2-3g flash = bang.
With 4" paper shells, whistle boost gives me a nice deep boom that could be mistaken for a distant clap of thunder... the added bonus is the generally better star ignition. For 4" plastic, ask Sasman!
Edited by BrightStar, 20 August 2007 - 02:22 PM.
Posted 20 August 2007 - 03:07 PM
Posted 20 August 2007 - 04:07 PM
This granulated and phlegmatised 'pink whistle' is stable to moisture over many weeks if kept sensibly, and less static and shock sensitive than the raw stuff. You can just sprinkle it in to your BP burst as needed. Unconfined, granulated 'pink whistle' burns like slowish BP, but with the slightest pressure build up it goes bang. I made up a batch of outdoor theatrical squibs with the stuff a few weeks ago - just half a teaspoon of granules in a 6mm * 40mm cardboard tube with an e-match. Believe me, they leave you in no doubt of its power as a booster

Edited by BrightStar, 20 August 2007 - 04:23 PM.
Posted 20 August 2007 - 04:34 PM
Posted 20 August 2007 - 06:27 PM
The break was so big on the 4" shell i thought i had fired the 6" first by mistake..The purple was very nice it is not very good on video tape..The 6" had a handfull of blesser white strobes in the burst charge..the camera didnt catch them very well.. but I was very pleased with them.they burn way to fast so will make them bigger next time..My girlfriend moved further away for the 6" i would say about 100 yds and it still wouldnt fit in the shot!..
I had made some buell red cores but when i tested them the prime was not hot enough to light them

Edited by sasman, 25 October 2010 - 09:34 PM.
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