I recently performed an electrolysis experiment with a copper anode and cathode, the electrolyte I used was a relatively concentrated ammonium nitrate solution. I had 24v at about 2 amps going through the cell.
My observations were firstly a strong smell of ammonia, secondly the solution turned a bright blue transparent colour, thirdly an opaque light blue/green solid forming at the cathode, finally copper particles forming at the anode.
I allowed the cell to run for 48 hours and topped the electrolyte up with water at regular intervals.
I filtered the contents of the cell. The filtrate was bright blue (copper nitrate solution?) The filtrand was an opaque light greeen/blue.
Any ideas? (i) what I have? (ii) is it of any use?
Thanks, Phill.

Edited by phillmypintpot, 22 September 2007 - 02:07 PM.