It might be worth mentioning that wooden milling barrels have been used for milling BP - I think it was either Italian or Maltese factories, maybe Karlfoxman can confirm that. Obviously you'd need to use a fine grained timber and probably varnish it and use for one mix only, however it does make building an octagonal barrel (with round end pieces for drive) very easy so it might be of interest.
I´ve got a book solely on the history and manufacture of BP and I can assure you, nearly every country used to use these.
They most often had a liner of leather inside... Often even hard-wood balls were used, but most of the time brass...
Book: Schwarzpulver und SprengsalpeterI recommend this book to everyone who speaks a bit German. A pitty that great book is not available in English language.
Nearly 500 pages about BP manufacture now and then, ball milling and lots of very very interesting patents...