The sad truth is that Bill Tyman's "Bill" is the inevitable result of folks getting fed up with ass-holes living nearby going down to their local cash-and-carry on friday afternoon to get a large box of the noisiest fireworks they can find, getting a few mates around for drinks so if anyone complains they can say it's a "party" and setting the fireworks off.
Now these bozos have got more cash than common sense so what do they do on saturday morning? yes you've guessed it, off down to the c-and-c for another load of fizz-bangs so they can repeat the exercise over drinkies on saturday evening.
We've got pillocks doing this nearly every weekend in summer in Coventry and a lot of people are understandably fed up with it, and this inevitably results in...yes you got it, someone like Bill Tyman to the rescue with a "Bill" limiting public access to fireworks!
Incidentally, these same idiots are often the ones who buy powerful display fireworks then fail to read, let alone follow, the user instructions on the side, with the inevitable accidents/injuries, etc which we hear about every year!

Bill Tyman's "bill"
Started by chrissw, Aug 18 2003 11:41 PM
1 reply to this topic
Posted 18 August 2003 - 11:41 PM
Posted 19 August 2003 - 01:52 AM
its morons like them boozers that ruin it for us who do have half a brain,i meen half our brains are saying, i duno about this, the other half is saying ohhh light it light it! then you have the others that just light it and after words go oh shoot bubba we blew the hair right off the dogs arse, oh look grandma fell out of her rocker, uh oh unckle bucks legs are over there, hey sissy grab me and unckle buck another beer. those are the jerks that ruin it all over the world.
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