Synthisis Of Potassium Perchlorate
Posted 19 April 2005 - 08:12 AM
Posted 19 April 2005 - 08:15 AM
Exactly 300ml of saturated KCl solution
and i'm running it at 6volts and 1.7amps (My power supply is only capable of delivering a max of 2amps and it can work at 2amps for only 5minutes before it overheats)
Posted 19 April 2005 - 09:26 AM
25 hours at 1.7 A is 42.5 Ah. 300 ml of saturated KCl is about 1.6 Moles of KCl. Full conversion at 100% efficiency would require 258 Ah. At the usual efficiencies you'd expect more than 500 Ah, at 1.7 A that's more than 12 days.
Posted 19 April 2005 - 09:33 AM
I'll try to get a pic and post it here.
EDIT: Tried to get a picture but all of them came out very blur, basicly you couldn't see anything
Edited by Pretty green flames, 19 April 2005 - 09:41 AM.
Posted 19 April 2005 - 10:09 AM
They're like flat cactus needles but not so sharp.
Maybe that's just becouse of the rapid cooling that took place in the night.
I'll keep it inside the house so it won't be exposed to the sudden temperature changes, and we'll see if something comes out of the solution when it's not beeing cooled down.
Posted 19 April 2005 - 04:05 PM
Posted 20 April 2005 - 04:08 AM
Posted 20 April 2005 - 06:54 AM
Posted 29 April 2005 - 11:24 PM
Edited by sasman, 29 April 2005 - 11:25 PM.
Posted 29 April 2005 - 11:27 PM

I use a 15 amp Variac to control the amperage of the welder.. this also eliminates the Dangerously high voltage spike you get with the welder when you turn off the power...
I knew it was going to work straight away as i only had to turn up the variac to 20% to get nearly 30 amps ... I am only running this test cell with 2 electrodes so am conservatively limited my self to 60 amps..(using 20 amps per square decimeter altho some patents recommend 40 amps a decimeter which equals 54 amps per Anode !?!.)
..The cell is a 32 litre bucket with 25 litres deionised water + 11Kg of Sodium Chloride.. i have used cooking salt..which on the packet said it contained Salt and an anti caking agent sodium ferrocyanide..My first test batch is just a test to see if everything works ok.. if i have any problems with the final product i will buy pure NaCl..
Cell setup
You can see some undissolved NaCl but this will dissolve as ClO3 is formed..
I am using an under water power head pump 660 litres an hour which supplies the agitation..Without it you can see in this photo that the top half of the cell is opaque due to lots of bubbles..Fizz!!!
I have made my cathodes out of titanium sheet rolled into a cylinder and drilled some holes to help circulation.
You can see that i have used some plastic nuts and bolts to try to help centralise the anode in the cathode..
The actual electrical connection to the anode is made with a 10 mm graphite rod
which is screwed into the GSLD anode.. i did this so that it will hopefully eliminate any wicking of the electrolyte up the graphite and thus corroding the connection..
4 AWG oxygen free copper wire was used rated at 80 amps..this was connected using gold plated connections to a steel hose clamp. i may alter this conection if it proves unreliable..
Electrode Setup
Here are a few photos showing the amperage and voltage at 30 , 40 ,50 & 60 amps..The small multimeter measures the actual curent from the Arc welder at AC current..The large multimeter is measureing actual cell voltage DC..
The small Digital meter is a 0 - 199 amp meter
30 amps 40 amps
50 amps 60 amps
The entire electrode setup was sealed to the bucket lid with silicon sealer..Using plastic nuts and bolts to secure it in place.I will be adding an automatic feed system to keep the electrolyte at a fixed level. i have not decided yet if i will bother to control Ph levels..
When i first started running the cell tonite the first few hours there was a very strong smell of chlorine enough to make me cough...but when i came to turn off the cell for the night there was virtualy no smell at all...
I did notice that one of the graphite electode connections were warmer than the other..At the moment each electrode is connected to the welder individualy..I may change this configuration..
To be continued....
Posted 30 April 2005 - 01:54 PM
I'm glad you've got the PSU issues worked out.
What's the electrolyte temperature like?
Posted 01 May 2005 - 03:32 AM
If the plastic screws you use are made of nylon - they WILL die. I know this for a fact since my cell initially used nylon. Now it's all replaced with homemade screws teflon - it's a pain to make M3 tefon screws, but worth it - they last forever - even when in direct contact with the Pt anode.
Once again - congratulations on your good progress!
Posted 06 May 2005 - 09:53 AM
Anyway, very nice work sasman

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