Glad i could help
..Did you notice at the end of the tail the sparks became kinda golden? Theres a formula called 'silver flitter' quite simple and gives bright long lasting white sparks, but it depends on the chemicals you have.It's difficult to ignite, the 'veline style' prime work well, but would suggest step priming.
How did the willow stars go ?
Err I can't really remember but there was also some charcoal sparks coming off the star aswell (probably because i don't have a ball mill) but that gave it a nice silver/orange effect aswell

Sorry do you mind me asking what the "veline style" prime is?
And do you mean the willow stars I made before these "reaper silver" stars? I tried them in a small starmine and they give of a nice bright orange effect.
I'm quite proud of my star-making abilities so far lol