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Star Formulas

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#406 cooperman435


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Posted 05 June 2008 - 07:54 PM

Plenty of parlon still spare guys if anyone wants it.

#407 KarlosH



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Posted 04 August 2008 - 02:11 PM

Guys, red gum is too good binder for magnesium and magnalium stars. Improve ignition and burning. Example
26 KP
26 BaN
25 magnalium,
2 charcoal,
15 PVC
6 red gum

This composition burn quick with nice green. You can make cut stars, which is rolled in perchlorate comp to until round. Then you coat them in BP prime.
Composition must be wetted with alcohol, and drying is relative guick. No problems with magnalium-reaction with vater. 6% red gum is optimal, because more percentage cause poor drying and smaller poor solidity. You can use for prime dextrine and 50% etanol, because magnalium is relative protected in main star.

#408 dr thrust

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Posted 11 August 2008 - 07:48 PM

hi , i found this cheeky number on the skylighter site

" bright silver"

kn03 64, charcoal (air float) 13, titanium (20-40 mesh) 9, sulfur 9 , dextrin 5

ive made a small batch, but just wondering anybody else tried titanium fueled stars?

#409 pyromaniac303



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Posted 11 August 2008 - 08:34 PM

I've tried a few titanium comps, nothing else beats it for ease of ignition, bright clear sparks, and relative safety. Here is a video of one of my titanium shells: 3" crackling titanium palm shell

Theyre very 'fuzzy' stars, by that I mean unless you give them a powerful break its hard to distinguish between the individual stars, they just leave one large patch of titanium sparks. Also do not try rolling them, unless you want each piece of titanium to act as a core for tiny charcoal stars.
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#410 dr thrust

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Posted 11 August 2008 - 09:11 PM

eh- by- gum, thats a great titanium shell!, would you share the star formula, please thanks chris, ho almost forgot the formula above is for cut stars :)

Edited by chris m, 11 August 2008 - 09:14 PM.

#411 pyromaniac303



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Posted 11 August 2008 - 09:53 PM

Thanks, the comp was by Blankley:
Potassium Nitrate 66
Airfloat Charcoal 13
Titanium 20-30# 8
Sulfur 8
Dextrin 5

Its one I found on the PFP database, and the original formula called for 60# titanium but I didnt have any. The coarser stuff just gives a longer burning spark trail anyway.

Mixed in with that were a few 1mm cubes of crackling microstars.
Best of AFN 3:
Lead tetraoxide 70
Magnalium 200# 17.5
Copper (II) oxide 12.5
+5% aluminium (although I omitted this)
Bound with NC lacquer.

These were just stirred in well with the other comp before wetting and pumping at 15mm. Remember that the crackling microstars are friction and shock sensitive, so don't be tempted to use your mallet on the star pump, they should be pressed!
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#412 pihop



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Posted 18 August 2008 - 03:03 PM

blue star:

potassiumchlorate 50%
coppersulfate 25%
sugar 25%

I'm sure this has been brought up but I feel like asking again since I can't find the answer.

How good is this blue? It feels like this would be very hygroscopic with the sulfate in there.
Is chlorate even compatible with SO4 componds?

The reason I'm asking is that I have a bunch of CuSO4 just lying around.

#413 digger


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Posted 18 August 2008 - 03:21 PM

I'm sure this has been brought up but I feel like asking again since I can't find the answer.

How good is this blue? It feels like this would be very hygroscopic with the sulfate in there.
Is chlorate even compatible with SO4 componds?

The reason I'm asking is that I have a bunch of CuSO4 just lying around.

Just be a little cautious mixing a soluble copper salt with a chlorate, as I assume that copper chlorate could be formed in the presence of water (maybe just with the water of hydrate of copper sulphate). As you know copper chlorate is a sensitive explosive in its own right and should be avoided.

Phew that was close.

#414 pihop



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Posted 18 August 2008 - 07:18 PM

Just be a little cautious mixing a soluble copper salt with a chlorate, as I assume that copper chlorate could be formed in the presence of water (maybe just with the water of hydrate of copper sulphate). As you know copper chlorate is a sensitive explosive in its own right and should be avoided.


Thank you.
I think I'm just going to make the CuSO4 into CuCl.

#415 pyromaniac303



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Posted 18 August 2008 - 10:12 PM

If you have any benzoate compounds, make copper benzoate from it, its a great colourant and combined fuel. The above chlorate comp is dangerous and should not be put to practical use, unless you plan on making small tableau fires etc. Sulfate, sulfides and elemental sulfur should not be used with chlorate.
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#416 digger


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Posted 18 August 2008 - 10:31 PM

If you have any benzoate compounds, make copper benzoate from it, its a great colourant and combined fuel. The above chlorate comp is dangerous and should not be put to practical use, unless you plan on making small tableau fires etc. Sulfate, sulfides and elemental sulfur should not be used with chlorate.

I have to agree, however copper benzoate can make outrageously fast compositions in combination with chlorate's from my experience. So ensure it is a little over fueled with whatever to slow it down a little.

Edited by digger, 18 August 2008 - 10:32 PM.

Phew that was close.

#417 pihop



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Posted 19 August 2008 - 03:12 PM

If you have any benzoate compounds, make copper benzoate from it, its a great colourant and combined fuel. The above chlorate comp is dangerous and should not be put to practical use, unless you plan on making small tableau fires etc. Sulfate, sulfides and elemental sulfur should not be used with chlorate.

Will do!
I have about 1lb of Sodium benzoate just lying around.

Got any suggestions on good star comps containing copper benzoate? (prefferably chlorate based)

#418 Mortartube


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Posted 05 September 2008 - 10:53 AM

Has anyone tried Troy Fish Glitter? It looks mighty fine and darn easy. Might give it a go. Any hints, potential problems etc? This is it in a shell.

The formula as posted on youtube elsewhere is.

Potassium Nitrate 55
Sulfur 17
Cahrcoal Airfloat 11
Sodium Bicarbonate 7
Atomized Al. 400 mesh 5
Dextrin 5

Here is a single star test.

Edited by Mortartube, 05 September 2008 - 10:53 AM.

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#419 Bonny


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Posted 05 September 2008 - 01:12 PM

Has anyone tried Troy Fish Glitter? It looks mighty fine and darn easy. Might give it a go. Any hints, potential problems etc?

I pumped a batch of crossettes (my first ones) and they worked great. Vey nice golden glitter, and easy to make. I'm not sure what would happen if they were over-wetted though as I've only ever done the 1 batch.

#420 MDH


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Posted 12 September 2008 - 08:43 PM

From recent experience just copper benzoate, potassium chlorate and PVC makes a nice blue. It doesn't burn that quickly for me however, on a piece of paper about four grams of composition moulded into a little ball took a few seconds.

The PVC is slowing it down and probably cooling it a bit.

A chlorine donor such as cpvc, saran or parlon may yield a cleaner burn a well.

If anybody has barium chlorate and copper benzoate I'd be interested to see what kind of stars they get.

Edited by MDH, 12 September 2008 - 08:44 PM.

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