thank you digger, spectrum and exac808. its always nice to hear from a professional point of view but i do still think its a possibility and no where in the region of 50 grand .
when i first got into firework display i was told it could cost me 30 grand for land for storage and a good explosive magazine, 10 grand a year for insurance. you name it there was a price for it but here i am now cost me 2 grand a year to keep my company open and legal and that's it.
i think exac has a good point that if all the prep work is done professionally and by the book the HSE cost could be kept down.
would be nice if the ukps could re look into this and see if there is enough interest to try.
farmland would be a good idea, i rent a field for our storage which is perfect for me as they own over 1/2 a mile squared of land. some farmers are only to happy to help if it means extra income. we have a 10 year contract, i was looking to have a small manufacturing site on it but decided not to as 1/2 a mile was still to close for neighbours to complain about noise.
I know what you mean about costs, yes with plently of effort they can be brought down. In my case my time is worth more to me that than chasing round for days saving a few hundred quid here and there.
However there are very few costs for a display company. You mention 2 grand a year to keep your company open, however I am willing to place a bet it cost more than that to start it up when you add up all of the bits and bobs you have. A basic setup would be a 20ft'er (gone up a bit recently) £1400, Wood lining said 20ft'er ?, a decent firing system £2000 (very basic unit), Insurance £2500 (decent turnover allowance), rent of farmland £500 p.a. Racks mortars boards etc £3000 (more for decent kit), storage licence £200, a van etc.
So about £10K - 15K would be usefull to get a display company going, assuming that you have enough cash to live on while you set it up and get it earning money.
In comparison for a manufacturing company you will need industrial use land. It can't be done on farmland without change of use. If you do manage to get change of use then the land would have a far higher intrinsic value and hence the rent would be suitably higher (our rent is 1K per month).
To get the licence the basic cost is about £700 plus around £170 per hour of the inspectors time, this includes traveling so for a 1 hour visit in the south you may have to pay for 8 hours. Don't forget all time spent in the office on the application will also be billed.
Yes with a well prepared application the cost would be kept to a minimum (EXAT's offer would be very usefull for a society site). However in a commercial situation there are people out there that will prep applications for a fee, but don't expect their hard earned knowledge to come cheaply.
You would be surprised how quickly you can eat up cash, especially if you actually want to make anything. For example if you wanted to say press a rocket and then take it off site, how would you go about that safely in a business environment and how much do you think it would cost? (answer's on a postcard)
Edited by digger, 14 November 2011 - 07:15 PM.