Who did the London NYE fireworks?
Posted 05 January 2012 - 07:15 AM
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www.illusionfireworks.com - A SKY FULL OF MAGIC!
Posted 05 January 2012 - 09:29 AM
I am sorry to say that apart from a few choreographed bits on the Milennium wheel, I thought it was an uncoordinated mess.
Just watched it - the word skypuke comes to mind...
Posted 05 January 2012 - 01:01 PM
Congratulations to KBF in being awarded the Olympic opening and closing ceremonies contracts!
Yes congratulations to Kimbolton,it is great that a British Company is Getting these high profile shows,and i am sure they will do the British Firework Industry and the Olympics Proud,i am looking forward to seeing what kind of display they have planned for this event.
Posted 05 January 2012 - 05:26 PM
Guess the big boys always attract this type of rubishing and they will be used to it, for you to suggest they got this contract through business ties is beyond me.
Its very sad.
Quote: I don`t know for sure, but I believe some of these GLA tenders/contracts run for a period of a few years = thats probably why Kimbolton seem to be heading up these big events more & more in recent times, that said, and what with Boris being a Tory mayor and the Ron`s son being an Tory MP should we not be surprised?
Lol, do you have any dealing with business in the real world?
It's always been and always will be the case of it's not what you know but who you know.
That's not saying i have anything against KBF, the display was ok (not to my liking, but I could not do better

On the topic of censorship on this forum, I understand where Richard and the rest of the team are coming from, but where does it stop?
- ToFe likes this
Posted 05 January 2012 - 06:36 PM
Lol, do you have any dealing with business in the real world?
It's always been and always will be the case of it's not what you know but who you know.
That's not saying i have anything against KBF, the display was ok (not to my liking, but I could not do better)
On the topic of censorship on this forum, I understand where Richard and the rest of the team are coming from, but where does it stop?
Posted 05 January 2012 - 06:44 PM
OMG, are you serious? why would it be beyond you?
Firstly I have not rubished anyone, secondly I have not suggested any improper behaviour between the persons I mentioned, I am merely suggesting that having common goals or ideals can often have benificial effects (giving that company or persons the edge in perhaps getting the contract), this could come in the form of say belonging to a relevant trade association, business club, political party, taking someone out to lunch etc etc, in essence they call this NETWORKING! which is not illegal and common practice in every day society, that said, this is only a small part of the picture.
Posted 05 January 2012 - 06:50 PM
There is a very good thread regarding the display on UKFR.
www.illusionfireworks.com - A SKY FULL OF MAGIC!
Posted 05 January 2012 - 07:43 PM
This thread is quite Intresting, where else can you get so much of a mixed views.
Just because not everyone agrees does not mean its a bad discussion. I can see why the Ukps have had to stand down to Kimbolton but then it was not fair of Kimbolton to put the Ukps in that position.
Posted 05 January 2012 - 08:52 PM
Kimbolton Fireworks contacted us about comments they felt were questionable. They did not ask or insist for any posts to be removed - this decision was my own. If an organisation contacts the UKPS and says they are concerned a post is potentially libellous, then it seems logical that we would remove it while the matter is reviewed. We have not stood down to anyone - I have dealt with this matter in a way I believe to be appropriate. Kimbolton will not be taking this matter any further and so the matter is resolved. I have contacted Kimbolton and PyroPDC over the past few days about this. I have made it clear that we do not suppress or censor discussions lightly and only in exceptional circumstances do we hide or remove posts.
The moderation decisions taken are made on reflection of a judgement call by the moderator. We do not simply remove posts just because an organisation may not like them.
I think that all that needs to be said has been said. Personally I have spent several hours dealing with this matter to the point where it is interfering with my company's work. This I cannot allow - and so I am now drawing this matter to a close. All hidden posts are now visible once again.
Posted 05 January 2012 - 09:34 PM
This thread is not going downhill, the Ukps is not in compititon with the ukfr.
Your right there is no competition.
The thread developed into a discussion about 'opinions' and then in the last few posts personal attack and defense, ie 'do you live in the real world... etc'
The UKFR thread is 7 pages of constructive criticism, analysis and praise with a bit of banter thrown in the mix and is enjoyable to read, the tension in this thread could be cut with a knife!
Looking forward to see what they pull out of the hat for the olympic opening and closing ceremonys

www.illusionfireworks.com - A SKY FULL OF MAGIC!
Posted 05 January 2012 - 10:06 PM
just hope they dont use pop music, some of there displays in the past have been quite inspirational with there music choice and used things nobody would even think of but really worked.
Posted 05 January 2012 - 10:17 PM
well im sure kimbolton will do a better job than the Beijing Olympics since most were CGI lol
They did still actually fire the pyro live in China, the only reason for the CGI was they feared how the live pyro would look on TV for the rest of the world, instead of taking the risk they created the CGI version so it looked perfect

By all accounts it was very impressive in person!
www.illusionfireworks.com - A SKY FULL OF MAGIC!
Posted 05 January 2012 - 10:36 PM
as much as i am pro kimbolton especially everything the rev has done for the industry. But if we cant comment an opinion and are forced to be censored with the ukps backing then i no longer want anything to do with the UKPS.
its bad enough anyone that even slightly comments on the board about making pyro then they are flamed (even if they dont come from this country) now nobody can have an opinion unless it fits with the ukps views.
so i bid the ukps fair well and all the best.
Ta Ra
- Mixologist likes this
Posted 06 January 2012 - 01:41 AM
Your patience, Mr Harwood, is the only thing you may have that may rival me, The Only Thing, God damn you!!!
- Mixologist likes this
Posted 07 January 2012 - 01:45 AM
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