I'm using super-glued card dry-rolled casings 1.5" long 0.85g, about 1.9g meal powder, resulting in a rocket which weighs in at just over 6g, after adding nozzle, stick, and a little payload. All this is done on my improvised rocket tooling, which uses a cylindrical cored Neodymium Magnet, a nail-like object, and an allen-key driver fitting. I want to start experimenting with different breaks with these rockets, but am a little concerned about weight. The maximum weight I have successfully launched was just over 7g, but one weighing 9.8g only made it about 2m up. Does anyone have any thoughts on how I can increase the thrust while using the same tooling?..... smaller nozzle, larger/longer core, etc?
What is the maximum percentage of Ti I should add to motors to ensure I don't turn my rocket motor into a fountain?
Cheers guys.
Edited by Creepin_pyro, 01 April 2004 - 03:31 PM.