I may be a bit late joining in the discussion here, but I've just recently heard about your AGM and I'd love to come down.
1) It'd be great to meet some more pyro pros's / enthusiasts ... I spend way too long stuck inside talking to people on the phone about firing systems and never meeting them.
2) I could bring down some firing systems and consumables for you guys to have a play with.
3) I could donate something "special" to the raffle.
However it's quite a long treck from Edinburgh, can someone give me a rough idea of the numbers involved. Am I coming down to 8 or 80 people?

On a side note, I just got back from Das Pyro Forum in Germany. I was sorry to see I was the only UK person there. I took a few seconds out between promoting the new STEP13 Sequencer to take a few snaps ... it's like firing system porn.
All the best,
Andrew @ EasyPyro