Posted 06 May 2012 - 08:54 AM
Thanks must go to all of the UKPS committee (Digger, Phil Cooper, Wayne, Joseph, Richard H, Steve Miller, Phil Dunford, Chris Dunford), and other UKPS members (apologies if i have forgotten to mention anyone or have misplaced your official title or role) for organising & contributing to this years AGM, and to those who travelled hundreds of miles just to attend = it was good to see some old faces and new attendee`s
I particularly liked Steve Miller`s very interesting talk on the forensic science/investigation of firework incidents as a expert witness, in fact I would have liked more!
Great stirling effort from Vic for his rocket demo considering his recent personal predicaments = its not easy when you have to concentrate/remember and physically make something & talk at the same time in front of one`s peers,...well done mate, I hope you will do this again next year and make other inert devices!
Thanks to Sidney Alford & Son for a interesting and amusing presentation & field demonstration.
Thanks to Wayne for trying to explain the difficult ongoing ELR position.
Thanks to Joseph for organising the venue.
Thanks to Fruitfulsteve for organising the raffle
Thanks to Arthur Brown for organising my lift to the venue and to Gary for driving (hope your not too knackerd).
Thanks to all the firework firing crews & volunteers, and those who stayed & manned the site while others went for the pub meal (you know who you are)
Thanks to Phil Dunford for once again keeping the ship steady, and Matt for the camera work, and particularly this year to `Chris Dunford` (our membership secretary) for manning the shop considering her ongoing personal/private health issue = we wish you well!
Overall a pretty good AGM considering where we are as a society in general, ok there were one or two things we still have not solved = we need to sort out & buy/aquire a good quality lapel microphone for the speakers/presenters to wear = often we can`t hear them due to poor/average accoustic qualities in the venues we perform in.
The only slight downside was the M40 transit bus crash which delayed some of us, and Professor Chris Bishop not turning up (does anyone know why?, hopefully he will come next year!