You dont need to go to all the hassle if you have a video camera..When i first started making BP i was going to make a test rig like that on dan williams but there is no need..
All you have to do is measure out a fixed amount of BP in to a trough,angle iron etc.. I used a small U shaped brass section from B&Q..The longer the piece the more accurate will be your timing .
Mine was about 3 foot long..I simply poured my BP into the U shaped section making it spread out nice and even..
I then just lit 1 end of the Bp and filmed it with a video camera.. easy...When i first run the test i compared my times to Dan williams results my BP was very slow..

I was very worried I had made a nice Big Ball mill 30+ Lbs pounds of hand cast lead balls 9" Barrell Home made Willow charcoal.. and it was really slow..But luckily I had Taken a 4" Minster Mine (Cat 3 Consumer firework) To bits and Had well over an ounce of Lift powder from that firework..
I then did the same test with the Commercial BP which was about 20 to 30 mesh..Watching it burn there was not much difference between The Commercail stuff and My own.. on closer video frame by frame there was possibly half a frame in it?.. It depended when you started the timing But basically My BP was as Fast or faster than the Real stuff..
Yet if i had took any notice of Dans results i would have thought my BP was very poor..The speed of the Burn depends on many factors amount of powder width&depth of the channel etc.. Lots of variables.. So i think it is very hard to create a accurate standard test...
But the test i performed would be accurate enough for me to measure my powder..In Practice i found that my Batch to Batch constistancy was perfect.. i could not measure any difference between batches..It all comes down to constistancy...
This year i am not going to use any of my Homemade Charcoal i have obtained some Commercial Vine charcoal. I will run the same test as i did last year to see how it compares..But i think that if your BP works for what you are trying to do then it is good enough.. Constistancy is much more important..