Hello All,
Just thought I would start posting as I am a new member and this is relevant to me.
When the time came for me to decide weather to give up chemistry or not I asked around to see if barometers would be a problem.
The allowance on my EPP licence is for a specific amount of Mercury and specific allowances for other Mercuric compounds.
At the time of my application I phoned Barometer World in devon and asked them. They knew absolutely nothing about this and stated that the Members of Parliament that had bought Mercury barometers would be in a dillema if this was the case. There is still no mention to date of it being an offence and if it was they would all be in prison by now.
No mention of scientific equipment containing mercury was ever made to me despite telling them about it.
The situation is the same with my work stock of xxxxxxxxx, I have a bulk supply of 'x' kg which does NOT need a license. The 'x' g I keep at home for general chemistry and wood cleaning on a diy basis DOES need a licence. Yet the same person has access to both!!
Same for xxxxx acid.
I also had a visit from government personnel before EPP license was applicable to ascertain my purpose for owning a variety of items and it was then noted that i posessed a barometer and quantity of extra Mercury. Not to mention the numerous Mercury thermometers.
In no place are scientific instruments of any kind are mentioned. How many folk still have thermometers? Barometers? Reed or tilt switches?
Fluorescent tubes of various kinds contain an easily extractable amount Mercury, it is clearly visible in UVC tubes and would make these illegal as well on that basis.
The wording on the government web site is "Mercury and its compounds (including: nitrates of mercury; oxides of mercury; mercuric cyanide oxides; mercuric thiocyanate; ammonium mercuric chlorides; potassium mercuric iodides; organic compounds of mercury which contain a methyl group directly linked to the mercury atom)" nothing more.
In all honesty I do not think the Home Office has thought this through very well or are aware that thousands, even tens of thousands of people including judges, magistrates, MP's, lords, ladies, police officers, would be in trouble if thermometers or similar were illegal. If such a prosecution were to be persued it could trigger the 'panic' dumping of a huge amount of these items.
So it would seem that the law as it stands does retain ambiguity and is subject to interpretation by the courts and unfortunately by people who may or may not have a clue about any of this.
Anyone that has followed this whole process has seen
The very bottom line is that as far as I know there have been no prosecutions to date for this. They are sold regularly on ebay without a string of prosecutions recorded anywhere.
In fact the only case involving owning mercury i found was this https://www.google.c...6ysbFuV0UCgN8-Q. And I'm sure you will agree that in this case there were aggravating factors to say the least.