People think that UFO's are proof of aliens. So much so, that a government admission to such a sighting is an admission of Alien encounters.
Therefore, supreme and undeniable logic allows the idiot to be - rest assured - that Area 51 is an alien repository.
Nobody ever seems to wonder how aliens can traverse the Galaxy or maybe the Universe - yet still be limited to a crash landing on earth.
Then you go back to the source of the story, and remember that a UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object, it tells you nothing more than the letters it stands for. It means that the government bodies recognise a sighting of something weird, and that's where the definition stops.
It is so easy to discuss things to a point where any anchor to reality is lost, and listening to ideas has no bearing what was in question to begin with.
Read the law, ignore anything else.
I have watched this conversation for some time, and I'm struggling to follow the footprints back to where it started.
Now, either get a grip on the hobby you love, or walk away from it having talked yourself out of it.
It has become that simple.
Most of you will have read what I have said in the Pyro-Gear page. Join in the conversation. What is there to lose?
Stand together for the hobby you love, or divide and bicker where we actually agree - because that seems so much more betterer [!]
Incomprehensible rant finished.
I can't be 100% sure but I think what Niall is saying, is just get on with it. We know what the regulations require of us and its all still viable so let just do what need doing and get back to pyro!