Alright so I'm a beginner pyro, I'd like to start testing some shells, yet I don't know where to buy stars for the colorful explosion
Does anyone know any websites where u don't need any license or such?
Posted 07 April 2015 - 12:04 PM
Alright so I'm a beginner pyro, I'd like to start testing some shells, yet I don't know where to buy stars for the colorful explosion
Does anyone know any websites where u don't need any license or such?
Posted 07 April 2015 - 01:51 PM
Stars are not available retail.
Posted 07 April 2015 - 05:20 PM
Stars are still not available retail in the UK. If you care to accept deliveries from foreign places, it's you who will carry the can for illegal import or transport, or in the case of their salutes the fact that all salute shells are 1.1 / HT1 transport and storage in the UK and need to go into a HT1 store.
Posted 07 April 2015 - 06:19 PM
....... it's you who will carry the can for illegal import or transport,.......
I don't think it's the recipient who 'carries the can' for transport regs breaches.
Posted 07 April 2015 - 11:08 PM
The guy was/is clearly trying to circumnavigate the law, Arthur not only has every right to point out the law but as a society staff member also a certain obligation to do so.
The guy didn't mention salutes no but the link you posted goes to a company that is, by the looks of it, willing to sell/ship them to the general public regardless of any regulations that may apply, again Arthur was quite rightly pointing out the law.
Agreed, if you can't make stars i'm not sure you should be making shells.
I don't know how the rules apply here but it would seem a little unfair if the recipient was held responsible for how something was shipped to him/her. He/she would however be in possession of a pyrotechnic mixture which i suspect would fall foul of COER in some way or another.
Posted 08 April 2015 - 08:30 AM
Alright so I'm a beginner pyro, I'd like to start testing some shells, yet I don't know where to buy stars for the colorful explosion
Does anyone know any websites where u don't need any license or such?
Make your own. That's the whole point.
Posted 08 April 2015 - 10:59 AM
I also feel it is correct to point out any requirements in law. If an person ignores the advice, others may not and we will all benefit from not having regulations tighten even more.
Posted 08 April 2015 - 05:48 PM
How do I make my own stars?... Isn't there like some cool illegal websites like PyroGarage and such where I can just buy them?
Posted 08 April 2015 - 08:09 PM
Posted 08 April 2015 - 08:36 PM
The guy was/is clearly trying to circumnavigate the law, - I would tend to strongly agree
I don't know how the rules apply here but it would seem a little unfair if the recipient was held responsible for how something was shipped to him/her. - the potential recipient is possibly exposing the courier or postal service at the GB end of the transaction to being in breach of legislation or internal conditions of carriage. I am of the opinion from past experience that substances are shipped using ambiguous or less than accurate details of the consignment.
He/she would however be in possession of a pyrotechnic mixture which i suspect would fall foul of COER in some way or another. - possession of a pyrotechnic substance without a certificate would put the person in breach of Regulations 4,5, and 11 of ER2014
Posted 08 April 2015 - 09:38 PM
Kenneth was kind enough to post a link to a site that sells stars, reply #3. Don't forget to supply your name and address as 'they' will find it very helpful.
And do let us know how you get on.... as and when you're at liberty to do so
Posted 08 April 2015 - 11:18 PM
FITH is in another European country, so specific offences relating to the UK are not appropriate in his legislature. However having explosives sent by unauthorised courier to a recipient without the required authority could attract all the wrong attention from Customs. If a supplier will sell you fireworks, firework components or chemicals across a border without sight of documents, I sense a problem and even a controlled delivery by men in boots.
Posted 09 April 2015 - 09:11 AM
Yea he dosn't do anything illegal, i forgot... But 13 people replied, only one of them actually gave me a link to what i neededWell pyro- garage is a close friend of mine! NOTHING HE DOSE IS ILEGAL.
Pyro garage is one of the reaming sites that provides the hobby, seriously grow up.
Posted 09 April 2015 - 06:01 PM
For effects like that you are, unfortunately, going to have to buy the basic chemicals and make the stars yourself! The only solution for fancy effects like that, which doesn't involve making them yourself, is to have someone make them for you i.e. a pyrotechnics expert/company. Not saying that sort of a service doesn't exist (although I'm almost certain it doesn't) but I expect even if someone did offer to make you stars (and I really can't see that happening) it'll be painfully expensive.
I can only reiterate what others here have said, if you're new to pyrotechnics then have a go at making your own stars! Tiger Tails are, as stars go, pretty easy to make and were one of my first stars which I still like to this day because it is a rather pretty charcoal effect. My advice would be stick to something easy and relatively safe (nothing in this hobby is truly 100% safe) like Tiger Tail if it's your first project utilising stars, before getting on to something as complex as colour changing stars.
Posted 09 April 2015 - 06:11 PM
Several formulations for stars use the same chemicals as BP so if you have BP ingredients, you have the ingredients for Tiger Tail, and several Chrysanthemum and willow stars. and can simply move on to Slow Gold, which has to be a favourite of mine.
Pyro Garage has adapted to the modern regs, and I wish him(?) well. The firm in the Czech republic offers to send all kinds of unauthorised devices into the UK -possibly by an inappropriate courier - Anyone who will post 3" salutes internationally bothers me.
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