Thank you for that answear man, very informative and helpfulFor effects like that you are, unfortunately, going to have to buy the basic chemicals and make the stars yourself! The only solution for fancy effects like that, which doesn't involve making them yourself, is to have someone make them for you i.e. a pyrotechnics expert/company. Not saying that sort of a service doesn't exist (although I'm almost certain it doesn't) but I expect even if someone did offer to make you stars (and I really can't see that happening) it'll be painfully expensive.
I can only reiterate what others here have said, if you're new to pyrotechnics then have a go at making your own stars! Tiger Tails are, as stars go, pretty easy to make and were one of my first stars which I still like to this day because it is a rather pretty charcoal effect. My advice would be stick to something easy and relatively safe (nothing in this hobby is truly 100% safe) like Tiger Tail if it's your first project utilising stars, before getting on to something as complex as colour changing stars.