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Pyro day Yorkshire/Leicstershire 26th September 2015

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#61 Gareth



  • UKPS Members
  • 29 posts

Posted 21 September 2015 - 08:58 AM

I just got back from holiday and saw this has been cancelled - that is a shame.

My name is on the list - I was looking forward to attending.

I don't mind if there is a cost to attending events - tbh I was not expecting the UKPS to provide all free events when I joined.

Personally speaking I would prefer the membership fees to go to championing our cause / growing the ukps.

Anyway, do we think the forum is the best place to advertise events?

I notice that the event wasn't even listed in the events page of this site.

Do we do e-mail drops to all members to notify of events?  I didn't get one, but it seems to me a more direct way to drum up interest than some topic in a forum.

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