Thanks everybody who has answered this post . I can see its going to be a massive challenge. Its way beyond what I could manage but thanks to the expertise within the society It is possible
.Will it become an official first ukps uk site or will it be a challenge undertaken by a group of enthusiasts who are mainly ukps members ??
Legality is going to have to be of utmost importance alongside safety , no one has said it yet but if we make a mistake at this stage we damage not just the integrity of the hobby (and possibly the ukps) but we would also lose the possibility of ever undertaking legal hobby research in the uk.
I seldom post as it is my personal opinion that some subjects should not have technical detail available to an un-vetted world wide audience .
I also have an interest in rocket motors that would bias the project towards their production so it will be good to have other people with different interests.
ie who is gong to build a visco machine?- it would be really interesting to research the effects of different compounds in a fuse.
I hope to see accurate documentation of the amateur work we are able to do available to all using the area
doing the work in a wells shed that is back in use would be amazing! it would be a great way to store them and keep them safe until we ever find a better home for them.