Making thunderflashs ( electronic ignition)
Posted 28 May 2016 - 12:02 PM
Hopefully I will have a useable bunker in a few months so I can start the hobby up again.
The immediate issue I have is that I've been using commercial mk9 and mk15 thunderflash devices as mole extermination on my land..... Works 100% you just have to be patient that's all.
But the cost of the things is crazy, so I've been thinking about doing my own.
I have a remote firing system and a load electric matches (and order another 120), but I little bit concerned about using flash powder. Before anybody whinges, I'm not going to talk about composition. I've made it in the past as a rite of passage and it made me rather nervous.
What I need is a small tube with a large wallop, as I dig the mole hill out, bury the thunderflash in the bottom, refill the hole and sit and wait... And wait... And wait (already have an idea of a vertical trip wire that may trigger the ignition automatically, but that's another story, remarkably simple really)
At £10.00 a pop (no pun intended... Ok a little) home grown is the way to go.
What proactive suggestions do you have? Before you ask, it's my own property, no pets, no kids, completely sealed garden from any possible intrusion and I have years and years making fireworks...
Ideally it'd be flash powder, but the voliticity and its ability to become rather unstable is putting me off a bit....
Take time for example, have too much of it and you will eventually die....
Posted 28 May 2016 - 02:23 PM
To exterminate moles look at The pro tool has been available in the UK, whether it still is...
substantially less that £10 a pop, but boringly non pyro. IIRC it's oxy propane or air propane.
- Farnet likes this
Keep mannequins and watermelons away from fireworks..they always get hurt..
Posted 28 May 2016 - 02:37 PM
ALL small boys should do this!
- Farnet likes this
Keep mannequins and watermelons away from fireworks..they always get hurt..
Posted 28 May 2016 - 02:42 PM
Here's my YouTube link to a very successful mk15 extermination a few days ago, by the way my wife wasn't home at the time
Edited by Farnet, 28 May 2016 - 02:44 PM.
Take time for example, have too much of it and you will eventually die....
Posted 28 May 2016 - 02:53 PM
Take time for example, have too much of it and you will eventually die....
Posted 28 May 2016 - 03:03 PM
Obviously no posting it here, but a simple yes, and maybe a PM would be helpful.
I've turned into a majorly risk averse individual as I've got older, but I still like blowing things up :-)
And Arthur, I have to try me some of that Oxy-propane, although I'd be using the ever so more reactive Oxy-Hydrogen.... But at someone else's property :-)
Edited by Farnet, 28 May 2016 - 03:04 PM.
Take time for example, have too much of it and you will eventually die....
Posted 28 May 2016 - 04:50 PM
I have traced underground runs, by use of surplus solas flares.
Keep mannequins and watermelons away from fireworks..they always get hurt..
Posted 28 May 2016 - 11:54 PM
How ridiculous can you get what's wrong with a conventional mole trap.....
Posted 29 May 2016 - 07:34 AM
Secondly, how can you be a pyro and not see the advantages by using of your skill in another form, huh?
It's more humane (poor excuse but a reality) and it's creative as you know you e got to do it right otherwise you will just get it to make another hill somewhere else.
Take time for example, have too much of it and you will eventually die....
Posted 29 May 2016 - 07:37 AM
Arthur been there made my own formula and it worked rather well see this one...I have traced underground runs, by use of surplus solas flares.
Edited by Farnet, 29 May 2016 - 07:38 AM.
Take time for example, have too much of it and you will eventually die....
Posted 01 June 2016 - 10:44 PM
greetings farnet you are on the other side of the valley so i might hear your thunderflashes must come and see you some time The device demonstrated uses an oxy propane mix I copied and modified the original design for someone a few years ago They are also used for rabbit control on golf courses by sad gits . I consider the uk version poorly made and quite dangerous A mix of oxygen and propane is set from welding regulators on gas cylinders to be wihin the explosive limits on ignition this is then sent down a single pipe to the delivery torch the device relies on a welding flash back arrestor at the end of the gas delivery pipe to prevent the explosions from flashing back down the supply pipe and exploding the mixing chamber. Ignition is achieved from a hi volts unit and spark gap as found on many electrically ignited gas cookers. . I didnt want to put a lot of develpment time into the unit I made so this was the easy option--- oxygen and propane cylinders with standard gas welding regs feeding a set of welding hoses . flash back arrestor on propane hose one way valve on oxygen hose. Ends go via a pair of 12v 1/4 bsp solenoids into an old cutting torch chosen because it had a bigger gas mixing chamber on it than a welding torch .. The oxygen pulse lever on the side was taken off as not required ,, The outlet of the cutting torch had the nozzle taken off and discarded A short outlet stub of 1/2 bsp pipe was jammed into the end .A hole was cut into this pipe and a porcelain spark gap off an old gas cooker was fitted .The electrical spark unit was fitted to the delivery unit about 20 cm from the end and wrapped in pipe insulation then covered with self amalgamating tape to protect it from the blast shockwave .
To use the unit once the gas ratios had been set up the solenoids were energised via a battery and switch for 10 seconds then alongside the twin hose ran a low volts electrical cable . The cooker spark unit was activated via a switch that connected 3 V derived from the 12v battery using a a 12v to 3v car adapter that used to plug into a cigarette lighter skt in the car I also successfully used a 12v silicon nitride hot surface ignitor instead of the spark unit but they are expensive at around £15.00 each so that had to come out , Ive got a lot of the build bits kicking around do pm me if you need info or bits - It was another business concept that got discontinued
Posted 02 June 2016 - 10:56 AM
Hi there,
Just be careful that your not falling into "practical use" with anything that you're manufacturing. You may fall foul of ER Reg 6(2)(a). If this doesn't make any sense to you, please see our guidance document
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