where did you dig that combination from ?
see below also,
Zirconium, like cerium and a few other
rare metals, is pyrophoric, or prodi-sparkic -
ing. Cigarette-lighter flints of zirconium
alloy, giving a hotter proch than ordinary
cerium flints, were marketed during the last
war when cerium’s scarcity enabled them to
compete in price. They may reappear in
stores as zirconium becomes more plentiful.
Industrial-size sparking flints are currently
made of this same 2irconium-lead alloy, pro-
duced by Metal Hydrides, Inc., of Beverly,
Mass. It doesn’t deteriorate in warm or
moist air, and will spark even when wet.
Edited by dave, 30 June 2016 - 08:00 PM.