Hi All,
The home office has contacted me regarding further research that they are conducting for explosive precursors. This stems from the recent terrorist atrocities in the UK. They have employed a research company to carry out a survey primarily aimed at precursor suppliers. I think its imperative than anyone who resells precursor takes part in the survey to ensure that our sector is represented. We don't want to lose the ability to buy chemicals altogether! They have issued me the statement below which should clarify the research and provides the link to the survey.
Please feel free to pass this on to anyone who supplies chemicals. Also, feel free to re-post this in any other forum. The more exposure the better.
Dear colleague,
You may, or may not be aware that some products sold by companies such as yours can be used in the manufacture of explosive devices.
Following the explosive attack at Manchester Arena, the UK Government is reviewing capability to prevent and detect terrorist acquisition of chemicals that can be used in the illicit manufacture of explosives. In this context, the Home Office are conducting research to gain a greater understanding of the demand and scale of the retail market of specified chemicals that can be used in the illicit manufacture of explosives. These chemicals may be widely used in homes and are widely available on the UK market.
The research is key to enabling the government to understand the scale of the market and to prioritise engagement with appropriate retail sectors. The Home Office’s appointed research partner, DJS Research, has approached the UK Pyrotechnics Society to support them with the engagement of our membership, and I would greatly appreciate your input to further the Home Office’s understanding of our sector.
With this in mind, can I encourage you to take part in an online survey that you can complete at a time of your convenience. The survey should last no longer than 10 minutes. If you are willing to take part, please click the following link when you are ready … www.djsresearch.co.uk/homeoffice/pyrosociety
As a Market Research Society Partner, DJS Research abide by the Market Research Society Code of Conduct. All feedback will remain anonymous and confidential – your name will not be attached to any findings unless you give permission for this.
If you wish to verify the legitimacy of the research or have any queries please get in touch by emailing dmarchant@djsresearch.com or roseelizabeth.verrill@homeoffice.x.gsi.gov.uk.
Thank you in advance.