It was a personal feeling that,after a chat,I felt that there were good signs for the future. There is a long way to go but I hope that all goes well.

Message from the new Chairman
Posted 16 October 2017 - 09:00 AM
Posted 16 October 2017 - 09:19 AM
It may just be an 'avatar not updated' thing, you only have to look at the website to see how poor we are at updating it, but...
It strikes me that many of the people who are bleating on about the demise of the society could make a start by joining it!
Ok, you don't actually get anything for your money, I have previously suggested making it free or cheaper, but there is a degree of strength in numbers and at the moment, numbers are embarrassing.
Apologies you are members.
Posted 17 October 2017 - 07:15 PM
And I most certainly would too. Wouldn`t it be a good idea for someone to share with others what this new positivity is? It could start a new impetus.
Firstly the 'new positivity' as you put it is a willingness in people to do what they can to help.
Without enough people doing things there simply cannot be a future.
All the people I have spoken to personally are of the same opinion as me namely that all that has been done should not go to waste and that the UKPS still has a place in the amateur world.
Believe it or not it has taken twelve months to get things even this far, the decline and neglect were almost terminal. Now we have a basic number of people and an old framework to get to grips with!
Right at the beginning of my involvement I saw the UKPS as a place to nail my colours to the mast. Also I felt that the work done with all the legal stuff was valuable. The UKPS is a good place for all of that stuff to be discussed if people want to.
There are other excellent forums out there that do a different thing and many people are active on them, myself included. They are an indispensable part of the community and represent the lifeblood,
APC from over the pond, Pyro-Gear here in the uk and many others throughout the world.
From a foundation of willing and able people things will develop. Even though it will take time. We are dealing with a framework if you like, one that many of us value and could still serve the community in many ways.
Hard to explain it all but I hope that offers some insight.
Posted 20 October 2017 - 09:04 PM
must confess i am relieved we have an offer for membership secretary as its probably one job I fancied least- but please put me down as applying for any other place in the pyro society where help is needed.
Posted 10 July 2018 - 03:44 PM
Ok so what happened guy’s.
The community is still very much alive within the UK but maybe not on hear, has anyone got a plan for the future?
I am happy to help in any way I can.
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