A & K storage container
Posted 04 September 2020 - 05:15 PM
Has anyone managed to get a different type of storage box approved?
Posted 04 September 2020 - 06:12 PM
As far as I know "the 18mm ply box"was there to hold sufficient BP for bigger users while still being carryable. The required properties being that one botttle could flare off without detonation without setting off the rest. MY UNDERSTANDING is that you can store BP on any container that doesn't confine and that deters propagation to near by containers, The powder store must be of restricted access but NOT too closed so that a small fire doesn't become contained and go high order.
I don't see a problem with having a scaled smaller version, or a version with fewer holes.
BUT it's all best determined with detailed input from your ELO.
- JonW likes this
Keep mannequins and watermelons away from fireworks..they always get hurt..
Posted 04 September 2020 - 07:01 PM
The problem being that L151 makes comments in relation to shooters but doesn't document those applying for experimentation. I just hope I don't get lumped together with black powder shooters because that is what is included in the docs.
Posted 05 September 2020 - 10:26 AM
Hello Jon, like you I only need a small quantity of granulated BP to pursue my interests. As Arthur suggested, I made a cut down version of the ply box and I've attached a couple of pictures for you.
The box is made out of 18mm ply, just like the "official" one and measures 240mm x 240mm x 155mm high externally. The tins I use for storage are about 55mm in diameter and 90mm high and contain up to about 200g of BP depending on it's grain size. The tins originally contained Allinson's Yeast and they can be found at any supermarket, however, you'd probably have to take up bread making to make it worthwhile buying them ! the plastic lid fits snugly on the tin but isn't tight enough to allow any appreciable build up of pressure in an accident.
The box has been approved by my ELO but, as Arthur says, you should consult with yours because they frequently have their own opinion of how things should be.
Edited by BlackCat, 05 September 2020 - 10:35 AM.
- JonW likes this
Posted 05 September 2020 - 10:36 AM
That is much better! Very similar to what I has in mind.
Did the ELO approve the use of the metal yeast tins? I am just looking into containers myself and although there could be a shrapnel argument (though you would think it would vent through the lid as the walls of the box are also supporting the tin) there are not many containers out their which offer a small size. Will have to check out eBay.
Edit: sorry you answered this in your post, I just can't read lol
Edited by JonW, 05 September 2020 - 10:37 AM.
Posted 05 September 2020 - 10:41 AM
Posted 05 September 2020 - 10:49 AM
No, I didn't. I bought a chain to do so but decided to leave it off unless the ELO insisted on it having one, he didn't so I left it. it's probably worth me mentioning that I store the box in a locked cupboard made from 25mm ply (because i had some lying around) in my shed. The cupboard has an intumescent strip around it's door and it's bolted into the structure of the shed, rather than screwed, in a manner similar to the installation of a firearms cabinet. The cupboard and the box have high security padlocks and the shed is alarmed but only with a shed alarm. The door to the shed is secured with a standard Yale lock.
- JonW likes this
Posted 05 September 2020 - 10:56 AM
I am looking to store in my shed which is very secure (in terms of locks and material) but is not alarmed. Reading L151 it actually mentions that if the property is constantly monitored (which it is as I live there!) Then the alarm may not be necessary for private individual, but again it's a discussion point for the ELO I am sure.
Posted 12 September 2020 - 10:43 PM
Interseting post! Thanks guys.
Although I, thankfully, rarely store BP.
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