So it's 2020 Am pleased to see that fireworks are still on sale, and in fact it looks like things are as good as ever, in terms of quality etc. Major major kudos to everyone involved in making it so.
For those who don't know, I've had a shaky time with my mental health- didn't get my phd in the end, a shame to spend all that money just to be called Doctor And then not to even be able to be called Doctor.
I'm in my 40s now, trying to have a peaceful life ah ha! I don't go online much these days, as it can get my down when I'm not feeling right- but if anyone does fancy a chat about fireworks that would be nice.

Posted 16 September 2020 - 08:50 AM

Posted 26 September 2020 - 01:38 PM
Hello David I agree it's good to still be able to buy fireworks and it seems that they're on sale all year round these days. I must admit that I thought that they were only available to the pu8blic during four specific periods a year. I guess I missed the change in legislation!
It also looks as if the current EPPP system for buying certain chemicals will stay in place now that we've got Brexit happening so those of us who make fireworks should be Ok for a while at least.
I take it that your interest is in commercial fireworks, rather than making them due to your health issues. What subject was your PhD research focussed on.
- David likes this
Posted 29 September 2020 - 03:54 PM
Hi David, Still on sale, unless you go to Sainsbury' local... I just wish membership here was opened up again as, I missed out applying before "the fall". Never applied for EPPP myself as I was hoping PS membership would have helped, and my interests are more industrial/commercial use than display pyros.
Hope the mental health is manageable, it can't be easy and quarantine couldn't have helped much. Still, it's good to talk about your interests!
- David likes this
Posted 20 October 2020 - 09:04 PM
Thanks for the replies, excuse my slow reply! My account was lined with an ancient, and I really do mean ancient (circa 1990s) e mail address that no longer functions, and so I changed it, but it locked me out as it needed approval for the new e mail address. Cooperman has been kind enough to sort that out and so I am back on.
And to answer To be honest my interest was always Cat 2 and Cat 3, never home made or Cat 4. My PhD, broadly speaking, was researching Social Justice but Uni life was messy; I spent a lot of time in Germany, which was wonderful, but in the end it just wasn't viable.
Sainsburys wasn't the best supplier of fireworks even when they did- I'd always say check out a dedicated specialist, particularly for 1.3G rockets. And oddly, lockdown wasn't as much as a problem was it could have been. Mentally it gave me a chance to sort out several things in my life. A literal as well as mental tidying of my problems. Thus looking at eg £4500 of debt to be paid off over 3 years, whereas in the past it was 10 times that, to be paid off... whenever... Life goes on!
Edited by David, 21 October 2020 - 12:44 AM.

Posted 09 November 2020 - 05:10 PM
Another year went by without letting anything off. My Polish next door neighbour seems to let off cakes very few weeks throughout the year, so he was making up for me!
I think, for shop sales (ie supermarkets etc.) I wouldn't bother, as Galactic are doing a good job showing YT vids of the effects, have good discounts and offer free shipping.
My only other option would be Pheonix, who bought out Kimbolton and are only half hour away. But their range seems to have shrunk, and they never reply to any questions I ask via email.
Posted 10 November 2020 - 06:25 PM
I agree with you David, the supermarkets certainly aren't very good around here having a very restricted selection. There's a camping shop over in the next town that always has a good selection and they give great discounts based on how much you spend. I also think, though, that the specialist shops are the best and there's plenty to choose from these days. The only problem is the carriage charges due to the specialist nature of them.
Posted 12 November 2020 - 12:21 AM
. The only problem is the carriage charges due to the specialist nature of them.
This is true, and it is of course no-ones fault- the cost is unavoidable.

Posted 12 November 2020 - 04:56 AM
Yes, the cost is unavoidable but it can be significant depending on how much you spend. I recently saw one that was £29.95 for carriage regardless of how much you bought. Not too bad if you spend a couple of hundred pounds but if you only spend £60 or so..............................!
Posted 13 November 2020 - 07:40 AM
Carriage is expensive so sellers have to cover it in the price or add money onto a shop price.
Keep mannequins and watermelons away from fireworks..they always get hurt..
Posted 14 November 2020 - 07:08 PM
Yeah, the actual cost of delivery is often more than the customer pays, too. Always a good idea to make it to the shop itself if possible!

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