The best flash , ie the most powerful is obtained with the following formular as long as the materials are correctly mixed and sourced in the finest mesh sizes
64% Potassium Perchlorate
25% Magnesium Powder 600mesh or finer
10% Antimony trisulphide 325mesh.
3.5% sulphur
By mixing the non oxidiser components for an extensive period then diaper mix the pot prechlorate in haveing screeded it to remove any lumps. once this is complete i put the compound in a rubber ball mill with about 8-10 corks from wine bottles to help in the mixing. Although it is recommended that ball milling is a definate no no this is just a gentle tumble together with no friction. For supply info please e-mail me, Missileman
While I can appreciate your Imppresion of that Formula, I't is by no means the "Best". Where did this Formula Come from, Personal Experience?
, I am sure the use of the words "Rubber Ball Mill", Which I assume Meant a Rubber Lined Ball Milling Jar, were strategically Placed in the post to Avert the Eyes of the Safety Cops...... Did'nt work........
1. "Rubber, an insulator, Being Placed betwenn two Conductive surfaces, becomes a capacitor......The 2 Conductors Being the Metal inside the drum Being Set on the "gentle" cycle of your Whirlpool Ball Mill....the 2nd conductor being the Milljar or components thereof. Some of which go from the inside to the outside of the Jar.....Like a FUSE from an electrical Standpoint..... You still have to pick up the 1,000,000,000,000 Farad Capacitor you just built (Mill Jar) to Get to your Proposed "best" Flash after the Silk undies Gentle Frictionless Wine cork Spin Cycle. As there are rollers, Corks, Very Fine Metals, Motion/Agitation, be it claimed "Frictionless" or not (It's NOT), all of these Compound themselves into an electrically Charged (And with Antimony Sulphide too.....Ooooooo), IE; Of a Different Potential to You, Ground or what ever, Problem that I Guess Has not occured to or for you YET.
2. 600 Mesh or finer Mag. That would Be I am Assuming 2 Micron "Thunder Dust" as I Call it....Cool stuff, Very Pyrophoric, But Neat all the same......I admittedly use 2 Micron MG.....ALOT, scary stuff on it's own, but your Preparation "Instructions" Are over the top and Frankly from a Darwinian Outlook, well.....I'm sure I've Made my point.
3. There are Many things that Make a Formula Qualify for best...... Saf-ER than others, Simpl-ER than others, Cheap-ER than Others and Of Course, Loud-ER or Bright-ER than others.............
One last thing, Screeding your Perc will do nothing to increase the Power of your Flash, Ground to Talc and Then Screened, By it self, may prove to be helpful......
Might I suggest that you Stick with the 1st ER and you might prove to be The Last ER of the ER's
Sorry for the Blast, 70:30 til your 30 might get you to 70, Years Old That is.
Regards, Be responsible, Stay Green,