what did you link/fuse the tubes with, shotgun fast or blackmatch? just that ive got about twenty used cake from bonfire night and the tubes are perfect to "recycle"
about 600 in total! 
Here's the rack

Everything was linked with QM and should have fired at once but,for some unknown reason there was a delay.
I did a test to see if my method (could be common practice) of linking two pieces of QM together would work.This is basically,cutting a small hole in the match-pipe,then with the second piece,i cut back the pipe to expose 10mm of BM,this is then inserted into the hole.Then i take a strip of gummed tape and making sure that both pipes meet,tape the second piece the the first.The tape passes over the top and down.Then another strip is placed around the top of the second piece where the join is.This insures the first strip won't come loose...If any of that makes sense.I have a pic somewhere,i'll find it out.
Anyway,the test.This was basically a meter of QM with 5 small lengths coming off,at the end of these were small tissue paper pouches with BP in.The test went well as all fired instantly so,i'm puzzled as to why i had the delay.Oh well,still looked great though