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Kevin J

Member Since 20 Oct 2005
Offline Last Active Jan 30 2007 04:32 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Crackers

17 October 2006 - 09:22 PM

I don't know how you are constructing your crackers or what kind of fuse you use, but one way of making them without a fuse hole to speak of is: fold one end of the tube over and tape. pour powder into tube. place fuse into open end so that it sticks into the powder and also a fair way out of the tube. bent the end with the fuse over and tape it well. This works with blackmatch, but I don't know about other kinds of fuse. It makes a nice bang though.

In Topic: fireballs

17 October 2006 - 09:14 PM

Thanks guys, Mine was similar to the first clip, but there was less fire.
Will try the slower powder.

In Topic: fireballs

13 October 2006 - 09:11 PM

I recently tried a napathelene fireball. It was small, 1 inch diameter. I did it based on what I have read in a few places. I had a very strong tube, put some granulated and some meal in the bottom, put some 50/50 meal/crushed mothball (napthelene) and then filled up the rest with crushed moth balls. When it went off, there was an astounding bang, but no fire other that normal "black powder fire". Do you know what I did wrong? I did pretty much the same thing twice with the same results.

In Topic: Flash demo

17 September 2006 - 01:27 AM

I am not even in danger of making flash, here in Canada, you would have to go to a lot of trouble and effort to obtain the ingrediants if you could get them at all. BP all the way for me.

In Topic: fireballs

19 August 2006 - 12:27 AM

"And to be honest, petrol fireballs are probably my least favourite effects, but for some godforsaken reason directors prefer them. I'm all in for realism over 'stylisticness'."

I'm with you there, it irratates me to no end when I see a movie where there is an exp*****n and it is all fire and so obviosly done with gas or oil..