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Member Since 02 Nov 2005
Offline Last Active Nov 23 2006 09:42 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Help save Joyce Green fireworks factory

04 November 2006 - 09:05 PM

I've made a slideshow of most of the photo's. It can be viewed here:

Sorry about the music! :P

In Topic: Help save Joyce Green fireworks factory

16 October 2006 - 07:13 PM

Hi my friends please can you help me and some of my friends by signing my partition about saving the old Wells fireworks factory located in Joyce Green.

I realy do not want yet another old historical fireworks site being left to demise or built over like alot of the others. This is part of english heratige and they are becoming rare now and this shouldn't be happening. I hope people can help me out on this one and take some of there time to sign my partition. Thanks in advance.

Joyce Green Fireworks Partition

Here are some images of the factory.

This is an image of the site when it was in use.
Click Me

This is an image of the site how it is now.
Click Me

Click Me

Click Me

Hope you can help. I know this may not seem like it will make a difference but at least its something and never to say never realy since anything can happen i just hope for the good.

Just like to say Hello guys. I set this petition up, and I am hoping to get something sorted out. Its ashame to see this go to waste!

I have spoke to the planning officer and theres no plans currently, but a soldier I spoke today who was testing the soil there said the University will submit plans as soon as his soil test is published! So we need to act fast.

Im going back alot at the moment trying to get photos!

Link doesnt seem to work; Here it is http://www.petitiono...e.com/FireSave/

In Topic: Joyce Green fireworks factory

14 July 2006 - 05:02 PM

Heh, I've been planning a trip there (Well, Its only a walk away) for a few weeks now. I think you where even involved. (looking at the name in that MSN convo in that screenshot (Im Moddy (28days later, urbex...), He might have spoke about me))

Im hoping to go there tomorrow, then I'll upload some pics and show if its worth a return visit.