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Member Since 21 Jan 2006
Offline Last Active Nov 28 2009 03:21 PM

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In Topic: Australian Pyros

06 February 2008 - 01:02 PM

Most commercial Chlorate and Chlorine Production are Produced using fairly saturated solutions and MMO Anodes.
Domestic Swimming Pool chlorinators have had to operate at the other end in very low levels of disolved salt.
A lot of research has been put in to the MMO coatings for swimming Pool Chlorination that will operate for years in solutions well under 0.3%. The levels at which Perchlorate drops out of solution is well above this. Care needs to be taken so that the electrodes are not buried in the perch so should be mounted high in the reaction chamber.

In Topic: Australian Pyros

05 February 2008 - 03:08 PM

My appologies then although it does not seem clear! I am not sure what plain platinum coated Ti would be used for and the only references i can find relate to chlorine Production where again MMO are now the most common material.
I again put forward to anyone interested the surgestion to try using the newer MMO electrodes designed to operate in very low salinities in a Perchlorate cell. Normally failure occurs because of the poor solubility of perchlorate so as MMO materials are now capable of running in less than 0.3% it is possible to operate as a perch cell :huh:

In Topic: Synthisis Of Potassium Perchlorate

01 February 2008 - 01:21 PM

I am surprised here at the lack of discussion or attempts at Chlorate and Perchlorate using DSA(MMO) anodes. Don't dismiss
DSA anodes for Perchlorate because some with some of the newer material it is possible.
I have been DSA anodes for Chlorate Production for Years and have experimented a lot with Perc Production using the newer
Low salinity DSA electrode. This can be operated at up to an increadable 90degC with saline as low as 2000ppm.
In the past it was the low salt concentrations that caused the coating loss.
Running it as a Perch cell is hard on the coating but if designed corrrectly is still viable.

In Topic: Australian Pyros

01 February 2008 - 12:51 PM

DSA anodes with MMO coatings have replaced all other materials for commercial chlorate production since the 1960's. Far from being Crap as you put it MMO electrodes are used in 24hour chlorate Production with life spans 15Years+



In Topic: Australian Pyros

26 January 2008 - 10:43 PM

Why would you want to try and plate a MMO anode with Lead dioxide.
MMO anodes are readily available in Australia that will make all the Chlorate you could need. You can make perchlorate with them as well but risk damage to the coating at the end.
Platinum is by far the best option for Perchlorate