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Suusi M-B

Member Since 03 Jul 2006
Offline Last Active Jul 30 2006 07:05 PM

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In Topic: Ultimate water-proof fuse?

29 July 2006 - 08:48 PM

I have some 2.2mm "waterproof" double-laquered and some 1/8" single-coated visco fuse, which work fine when it's dry.

Neither one of these does good in the rain/water however. Well, the 2.2mm sometimes gets lucky, but 30% are failures when submerged.

What is this thick yellow stuff I see people use? It's not nesseccarily what I need, but curious. Or am I hallucinating? :wacko:

I'm looking for fuse that is able to be handled a bit and bent without its laquer coating breaking so easily and thus rendering it useless in water. Basically the maximum protected fuse available will work. It should be a minimum 1/8" diameter, larger (1/4") would be desireable.

I just don't like the visco stuff, you bend it at sharp angles and you get cracks in the thin laquer coating...

Can anyone give me suggestions/names? Possible online retailers?

when I was at school I improvised a fuse for a depth charge useing a plastic straw and the fuse was sodium chlorate weed killer and sugar 4:1 impregnated into toilet paper then dried and stuffed into the straw.

The burn rate is fairly slow and it doesn't burn hot enough to melt the straw, so when lit burns underwater :) the gas pressure keeps the thing dry