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Member Since 11 Aug 2006
Offline Last Active Jul 08 2009 09:33 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Post Your Videos

09 July 2008 - 03:44 AM

This is basically a copy of my post at APC but whatever. All my stuff worked to varying degrees, but my camera skills seemed to be lacking so not everything shows up well. Some you cant even see at all, but you can hear it functioning. Anyway, read the descriptions and if you have any other questions about anything just shoot. I think my greatest dissapointment was the inner petal of my 4" double petal not lighting. No one cared though, as you can tell from the vid.


I have a picture of the multishot rack after it fired, the front row of mine mortars got ripped off the base.

And I have a bunch of construction pics and whatnot in this album:
http://s231.photobuc...u...th of July/

Enjoy! Comments and criticizm welcomed.

In Topic: Star rolling machine

29 June 2008 - 03:16 PM

I'm planning on doing the same thing, its getting to be a real pain in the ass to roll stars with comp sticking to the sides of the jar all the time.

In Topic: Quickmatch

23 June 2008 - 09:01 PM

Hmm thats very interesting that they put the BM through the paper tube while its still relatively wet.

In Topic: Post Your Videos

09 June 2008 - 01:45 AM

3 inch D1 Glitter with Tigertail Ring

4 inch Tigertail ball shell (my first 4")

4" can, my first attempt at farfalle didnt quite get the effect I wanted, but still kinda neat.

In Topic: Coloured Flash Comps.

20 November 2007 - 07:57 PM

I made a small batch, I used a little more BaNO3 than I was going to, a little more came off the spoon than was supposed to lol. The batch was
.5g BaNO3
.2g BaCO3
.15g Mg
.05g PVC
I burned a small sample of this batch, it made a really nice looking green, and its not even dark outside! If my parents will let me use their camera I will make a video of it when its dark out.

EDIT: I made a couple videos, I had to make a larger batch because I ran out of the first one. It didn't look as good, and it didnt burn quite as fast, I think since my scale is less accurate at very small masses like I used in the first batch it scewed the ratios. It was still somewhat green, you can see the color reflected in the smoke and on a wall nearby. I might play around with the ratios a bit at a later time, but I dont have a whole lot of BaNO3 or Mg left, so if somebody else wants to that would be great. Based on how my scale was fluctuating when I made the small batch, I would suggest a higher portion of PVC.