Thanks, I'll strike that idea then. I just got bored with ramming rockets singley by hand and am looking to speed things up. I'll run-up a couple more spindles and experiment with ramming or pressing the BP. I started using wooden nozzles as I didn't have any clay handy, and they work pretty well for me.Yes, there's a bit of erosion on recovered motors, but its not stopping the rocket getting to c. 600-800 ft. Thanks for the tip on vaseline - don't know how you came up with that idea!
Has anyone got opinion / experience of drilling BP rocket cores instead of ramming them on a spindle? I'm making good motors on a brass spindle, but find them hard to remove afterwards and the process is slow. I'm thinking of ramming several tubes at a time solid, and then drilling the central core out afterwards, but am concerned how safe that would be. . . Instead of ramming a clay nozzle, I use glued-in wooden dowel with a drilled nozzle, and that works very well.