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Member Since 17 Nov 2006
Offline Last Active Dec 28 2006 10:09 PM

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In Topic: Flamethrower

21 November 2006 - 11:28 PM


We have an assload of the maple seed things laying around!

Are you supposed to crush the seed or the shell it's in to powder?

Obviously, they will have to be completely dried...

Work, work, work to get the quantity I need...I can see myself spending all day & night in the basement with a pedistal...and maybe getting a pound...

Hmmm, wood meal...I will look it up in a few minutes...

Yes, Lycopodium Clavatum grows in different parts of the world (not US) like the moors in England~

Propane is looking more promising...

However, there are 3 accomodations I must have for it's use...

A inline flash arrester, a valve that won't freeze and a flame detector in the circuit (to make sure the starter is there before Liquid propane spews all over the audience)~

BTW: Out of curiousity, how much can anyone get Lyco powder for over there?


Jamie B)

In Topic: Flamethrower

20 November 2006 - 10:52 PM

You can actually buy canisters of CO2 for paintball...

But, I'm kinda getting away from my subject~

Regimentalpyro, I do see your point about propane being directly affected by ambient temperature~

Once the LPG reaches a temperature equalibrium (LPG inside the tank to temperature directly contacting its container) it will lose its pressure~

Stated another way pressure is directly proportional to temperature~

Either way, the supplementary tank is a must~

Good thinking~

Jamie B)

In Topic: Flamethrower

20 November 2006 - 12:39 PM

That is very close to how I am doing it now...

My expansion tank just happems to be a "Kiddie" fire extinguisher~

The pressure (over my current fuel...lyco powder) is supplied by a small propane canister...and run through a regulator to keep 80 psi~

Even if I was to use LPG a a fuel (with the knowledge propane makes its own pressure) I feel like I still need the supplementary pressure~

Because, correct me if I'm wrong...propane's pressure fluxuates...with quantity of the liquid...unlike CO2 which stays the same wheather there is a spoonfull or a gallon (for the same size container)~

I'm going to try setting up test panels for remote experiments just to see what would happen if I filled the extinguisher up with LPG and let it completely exhaust all at once by a flame~

Kinda want to make sure the extinguisher doesn't get a backsurge and blow up too!

BTW: I thought of another trial for the LPG...What if I used a brass garden hose nozzle for the outlet? Then maybe I could control the flame pattern~



In Topic: Flamethrower

19 November 2006 - 12:42 PM

The copper wire would work great...

But, during a performance, everything is timed (3min. 15sec. you start strong and finish strong...no lag time or constant repeats)~

I work the switchbox and my friend works the pyro transmitter...so, when I say to my buddy "FLAMETHROWER" I want that thing going off!

If I had a a few more seconds here and there, the copper wire could heat up...and the idea might be a success~

Thought about the nickrome wire last night...truth is my entire setup would have to be redesigned...the space for this to happen is very limited...and the wire would have to be insulated from ground when practically everything around is metal~

I wonder about my oxygen mixture...

What makes this project hard is my application...everything is remote controlled on top of all that!

Just like someone to bounce ideas off...



In Topic: Flamethrower

18 November 2006 - 11:07 PM

I think they call that stuff Nichrome wire...

Currently, I am using a shock box for the ignition~

But, that is a great idea (might actually have one of those old fashioned heaters downstairs)~

Have to analyse all the positive & negatives in my situation...

It's not the ignition that is blowing out...it is the starter flame...

Once it's lit it stays lit~

However, to get it to light to begin with can sometimes take aggravating adjustments~


Jamie B)