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Member Since 17 Nov 2006
Offline Last Active Dec 28 2006 10:09 PM

Topics I've Started


17 November 2006 - 03:08 AM


I was hoping to get suggestions for my project~

I have built a remote control flamethrower for my truck...

Currently, lycopodium powder is my fuel for the big flame~

The powder is shot through a smaller (2 ft.) starter flame~

Posted Image

Please see my website for more pics of my creation: www.radicalbed.com

The effect works great and produces a column approx. 15 ft. tall...

However, lycopodium is very expensive...

I desperately need a comparable substitute for the powder~

So far, I have tried several different powders and liquids~

The closest powder I have found is charcoal powder and the closest liquid is propane~

My main objective is to create an effect that is shot and immediately spent when the fuel is shut off~

There can be no fallout (fuel still burning after supply is off)~

Obviously, saftey is a major concern...

Can anyone provide better suggestions or a cheap source for the lyco powder?


Jamie :twisted: