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Member Since 17 Nov 2006
Offline Last Active Oct 05 2009 01:23 PM

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In Topic: Fireworks art, prints

23 December 2006 - 08:59 PM

any one know of websites/galleries that post/share pictures of older fireworks art? i.e, the 1650 area image on the cover of "fireworks, the art science and technique?"

I am rebuilding my note books due to a massive fire i had in july(long story and is the main reason for me not posting) The fire was caused by my neighbor and took out my place with it, Most of my chemicals survived as they where in a diffrent location of my home, but my books, notes and technical info was badly damaged/distroyed, I just replaced the fore mentioned book but want good art on my note book as well, half my old note book was burned badly but lucky i can save some of it but wish it to look better, so any of you kind people have any art for an avarage sheet of paper?

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Sorry to here about the fire, I dont know if this is the sort of thing you meen but you could try getting in touch with this guy,many British stuff

In Topic: Cake failure

14 December 2006 - 06:14 AM

I nearly fell for it, but just in time i noticed that the society does not allow advertising, so i can't !
shame really because i would.

we have purchased fireworks from them for about 7 years, and had only two duds in that time.
and both were in the same year, and down to fusing problems, (and ya canny see inside the wrapper) so i can't blame the retailer for that.


Dont think anyone (EnigmaticBiker) was trying to get you to break any rules just that good service along with good products (or bad ones) should get a mention, elsewhere you will see supermarket chains mentioned by name so why not your suplier. :D

Dont think anyone (EnigmaticBiker) was trying to get you to break any rules just that good service along with good products (or bad ones) should get a mention, elsewhere you will see supermarket chains mentioned by name so why not your suplier. :D

In Topic: Bright Star Bangers

28 November 2006 - 08:04 AM

wow, did you buy enough?? lol

Surprising what turns up when you start having a sort out :D

In Topic: Bright Star Bangers

26 November 2006 - 09:48 AM

Those bangers are not likely to be older than the very late 80's or early 90's, which is when JME/Brightstar started to become of prominence as a firework company. I'd save them, they are the collectors items of tomorrow. They will go phut, not bang. They either contain BP or nitrocellulose. (I had some Standard 3-2-1 bangers once with nitrocellulose pearls in), Useless!

"Collectors items of tomorrow" -- maybe I should hold on to these a bit longer then :D


In Topic: The First Time

25 November 2006 - 11:32 AM

Ahh traffic lights was one of the best fireworks, and to this day I have not made a replica! I also remember my dad setting off a red parachute flare roman candle, it shot up and opened. Slowly drifted down glowing bright red. I went between our wooden shed and our wodden fence! But fond memories, I must have been around 8 years old. I loved the old Standard packs. I might look around for a few labels of old ones and make some replicas. Just a thought. :D

Edit: Just found a link to some old firework lables


Heres another site with old and new labels etc on it worth checking out
