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Member Since 18 Nov 2006
Offline Last Active May 16 2012 02:00 PM

#75857 One man's sky puke is another man's piece of art

Posted by Mixologist on 06 January 2012 - 10:49 AM

This in some companies eyes may be considered low budget but I'm sure they did the max that could be done with the pyro used, WATCH, I promise you will be hooked after 30 seconds.

(From a show designers perspective who wishes he had that much hardware to play with)

Boom and that is how you do a pyromusical!

That is to be fair bu most accounts, a pretty large scale pyromusical though... They used A LOT of pyro. It was nearly 2000 individual cues! The Fire One system outweighs what most companies own! They had 3 brand new reels of wire being rolled out as far as i could see - thats a bit of the budget right there :blink:

However, it is a masterclass in single shot use. The variety and mix is stunning. Shorter ones mixed with long ones at the right cue point, colour matches, orientation, beautiful. The layering in this show is also amazing, the heights sometimes are almost drawn on top of each other. Shell configurations and sequences are breathtaking. The colour strobes (my favourite items of last years order) are perfection!

There is a crazy amount of variety in there. OK, jubilee mega fan slices slightly over used, but i didn't care because, when they were used, it worked, it worked excellently! I was trying to think of a few items i would use that they didn't - i came up with a few but that's just personal taste. (Sky Mines would have slotted in there nicely a few times) Last year pyrotex show - i wrote `i think they had shares in horsetails` but once again it didn't matter because when they used them - wow, it worked.

They also make great use of silence. Many companies fall into the trap of thinking something must be going all the time. Well i`m sorry you don't - however if its a crap show it helps cover up for some people. The water cakes and strobes were used to maximum effect, not just because they can there.

Unfortunately the video doesn't show that finale to max effect but the blue gold end sequence was a sight to behold, and the cheeky little `THE END` Lancework really topped it off for me!

This is to me what a pyromusical should be. It should have variety, speed, accuracy - but not too much of it, and most importantly some kind of connection and emotion attached to the music. Some companies can put on the most cue perfect show, but for me lacks a connection, emotion and variety (same sequence again and again, same colour shot rows etc) when they pair it with music. However take the music away and they are breathtaking rhythms of sound and collages of colour. Its all down to choice but....

Great show Pyrotex, deserved winners `sighs` once again!

#75854 Who did the London NYE fireworks?

Posted by Mixologist on 05 January 2012 - 10:36 PM

as much as i am pro kimbolton especially everything the rev has done for the industry. But if we cant comment an opinion and are forced to be censored with the ukps backing then i no longer want anything to do with the UKPS.

its bad enough anyone that even slightly comments on the board about making pyro then they are flamed (even if they dont come from this country) now nobody can have an opinion unless it fits with the ukps views.

so i bid the ukps fair well and all the best.

Ta Ra

#72960 New pyrotechnics book!

Posted by Mixologist on 17 April 2011 - 07:57 PM

Exciting news? - I don't think so, bad news more like.

So I can learn how to jump into a hedge, make fake ID, syphon petrol and conceal alcohol as well as make fireworks - doesn't exactly portray fireworks in a good light.

Books like this can only cause trouble - what's the target audience - yobs/ halfwits?

I don`t consider myself to be any of those, but i do fancy reading it!

#72951 New pyrotechnics book!

Posted by Mixologist on 17 April 2011 - 12:22 PM

Put me on the buying list if we have to buy a bulk deal!