Hi peeps,
Have decided its time to sell on my trusty Kingdom 12 cue system. It is a great system, completely programmable to all on one address, or all 5 separately, or any combination in-between.
They have built in 12V batteries. Easily fire me 4 ignitors in series with 50M of bell wire in-between.
They are in great condition, I cleaned them after every show religiously.
They all sequence too and have triggers in and out. Completely waterproof when closed. The wires do come out and you can fully close it too. (antennae attaches from outside). Full continuity check on each module too.
Offers please. New they cost if I remember correctly £225 per module and over £300 for the control box but cant remember how much over.
I cant seem to load pictures here from flickr, so if you want pics please pm me and I will send you a link!
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Kingdom 12 cue Firing system for sale. Amateur/Pro
07 March 2011 - 08:06 PM
Kingdom 12 cue Firing system for sale. Amateur/Pro
07 March 2011 - 08:05 PM
Hi peeps,
Have decided its time to sell on my trusty Kingdom 12 cue system. It is a great system, completely programmable to all on one address, or all 5 separately, or any combination in-between.
They have built in 12V batteries. Easily fire me 4 ignitors in series with 50M of bell wire in-between.
They are in great condition, I cleaned them after every show religiously.
They all sequence too and have triggers in and out. Completely waterproof when closed. The wires do come out and you can fully close it too. (antennae attaches from outside). Full continuity check on each module too.
Offers please. New they cost if I remember correctly £225 per module and over £300 for the control box but cant remember how much over.
Have decided its time to sell on my trusty Kingdom 12 cue system. It is a great system, completely programmable to all on one address, or all 5 separately, or any combination in-between.
They have built in 12V batteries. Easily fire me 4 ignitors in series with 50M of bell wire in-between.
They are in great condition, I cleaned them after every show religiously.
They all sequence too and have triggers in and out. Completely waterproof when closed. The wires do come out and you can fully close it too. (antennae attaches from outside). Full continuity check on each module too.
Offers please. New they cost if I remember correctly £225 per module and over £300 for the control box but cant remember how much over.
Firing system for sale
15 November 2010 - 09:52 PM
Hi peeps,
I have put some pics up of a pro firing system i am selling on UKFR, i dont have an online photo resource so i am just linking to it. If this is not allowed please remove!
I have put some pics up of a pro firing system i am selling on UKFR, i dont have an online photo resource so i am just linking to it. If this is not allowed please remove!
Found an interesting site
26 September 2010 - 01:54 PM
Hi all,
Was having a look around today for BFN ideas and came accross this:
Lancework - some really intersting bits on there i thought, thought some others of you may be interested to see some UK manufacture on the go!!!
Was having a look around today for BFN ideas and came accross this:
Lancework - some really intersting bits on there i thought, thought some others of you may be interested to see some UK manufacture on the go!!!
How not to run a display company?!
23 June 2009 - 09:41 PM
As per title really. seems they got off lightly with a 300 fine as they are broke.
Incidentally you can still you Fire Magic (UK) Ltd if you wish!!
Incidentally you can still you Fire Magic (UK) Ltd if you wish!!
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