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Member Since 13 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 11 2007 02:55 PM

Topics I've Started

Remote detonator(s)

13 January 2007 - 10:40 PM

Hi there,
I help to run an airsoft site (airsoft is somewhat similar to paintball, I believe it was explained in a previous thread), and pyrotechnics play a major part in the airsofting experience.
Currently, I am using a simple wired remote detonator to fire the pyros. It is just a control box, with switches that send a 9v signal down whatever length of wire to a relay, which switches a lead acid battery which is short-circuited with a thin piece of copper wire, wrapped around the base of the fuse on a crowscarer.

I have had no problems with this setup, it fires every time, and the copper wire used to light the fuse is very cheap ('borrowed' from a small motor actually) and very easy to prepare.

However, I am finding it rather tedious having to reel out huge lengths of wire each time it's used, and I'm unable to plant multiple explosives in different positions, due to having a limited amount of wire to use, as the site is fairly large, so to have the pyros positioned where I would like them would require several hundred metres of wire.

Anyway, apologies for the lengthy introduction. What I want is a multiple channel RF remote detonator, and several receiver boxes that I can plug into the relays, to fire the crowscarers with my current setup. (i.e. Lead acid battery, copper wire)
Cost is an issue here. While I do not have a specific budget, I would like the cheapest reliable solution. A fairly small remote control would also be preferable, rather than a large box, as I would like to be able to keep the detonator on my person.

Sorry for the long read!

Many thanks,