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Member Since 27 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active Jan 11 2008 09:57 PM

Topics I've Started

Standard Parachute

11 January 2008 - 08:23 PM

im sorry guys but im in the us. but one night on the fourth of july i was talking with a man down the street from me and we were shooting off shells when i seen a red ball that went really high into the sky and slowly can down. now i was familiar with the fireworks sold in the area. and the guy i was talking to was older then me by 30 years or so and he said it was a parachute. he was from the uk and i always remember that moment in time. ever since then i have tryed to get my hands on some of these parachutes and every time i think i got one its not the right one. its like trying to cauch a unicorn for me. my question is how high did one of the standard parachutes go up into the air. also some good news i just moved from idaho to texas and i love idaho i was 20 minutes away from a year round firework stand the size of a warehouse 15,000 sq. ft. and could get my hands on some really nice fireworks but the were illegal to shoot of in idaho. well on the 1 of jan. i went 10 minutes away from my house here in texas and went to a firework stand to find shells and rockets and the other stuff but what i was told while buying them changed my life. where i live its legal to shoot them off. so the 4 of july well be really fun. well i just want to know how high a standard shoot up into the sky because this might be the firework that is my unicorn sort of speak. Rodney

a homemade equipment section

29 January 2007 - 08:50 AM

i would like to suggest a homemade equipment section so all the ball mills and star rolling machines and visco fuse machines could all be in one easy to find section so that we dont have to search and pick through so we can just go right to it and be able to post for help and share what we have and help others in building it i would like to see who else would like to see this as a section thanks rodney

are sky rockets and shell legal in the UK

28 January 2007 - 10:40 AM

im just wondering what kind of fireworks are legal in the UK i live in the US but im curious to what the laws are there thanks rodney

theory for the effects different waters can have on star comps.

27 January 2007 - 06:12 AM

ok this is just a theory so tell me what you all think. i was driving home and got to thinking of hard to make blue and purple stars. when useing a 25% ethenal to 75% water for dampening the star comp. for rolling,pumping and cutting. if we used disstilled water and ethenal would it be better. there wouldnt be all the minerals and chemicals like in tap water and sense the spectrum for blue and purple stars is so small wouldnt we want to use the pureist chemicals and water we could use so we dont upset the delicate balance. water from tap can have clorine, iron, and copper just to name a few. when in grade school we did experments with taking water and salt or sugar and putting it in the sun light or a room for evaporation and the water would evaporate and leave behind the salt or sugar we put in. so with that if we use tap water with iron or copper it could be left behind after the star drys/ water and alc. evaporate and when it does that it leaves behind any chemicals or minerals that were in the water. i know that tap water can be use with alot of star comps but this is just a thought i would like to hear what everyone thinks. you can also e-mail me at pyroguym80@msn.com my name is rodney and this is my first post so i would also like to say hi to everyone and i hope to meet some new people

thanks to everyone and i hope to hear back on this subject thanks again rodney pyroguym80@msn.com